Make your own poster in the style of the iconic "Hope" artwork by Shepard Fairey (previously at Neatorama). Use a webcam or upload an existing photo, then add a word or two to make a custom poster. -via the Presurfer
Make your own poster in the style of the iconic "Hope" artwork by Shepard Fairey (previously at Neatorama). Use a webcam or upload an existing photo, then add a word or two to make a custom poster. -via the Presurfer
Whoops, can I say that?
I agree with Sarah.. that image of him in this style has always creeped me out and made me think of a megalomaniac style image.
Chances are all the stories you know about inventors creating "unique" ideas are a load of crap, they almost always got the idea somewhere else but they were the first to provide a new application for it.
He an unimaginative thief.
Not to rain on anyone's parade but I think that site makes a piss poor job of making that poster style. I mean, it was likely made by reducing the colors of a photo and then hand tracing over the image. No kind of automated process will emulate that, it's all about hard work (regardless if it's plagiarized or not).
Chances are all the stories you know about inventors creating “unique” ideas are a load of crap, they almost always got the idea somewhere else but they were the first to provide a new application for it."
So, what - that makes stealing ok? screw you.
Who said anything about it being "ok"?
Reading comprehension fail?
Don't get me wrong i'm definitely not against Obama but i see him on the cover of people, time, newsweek and every other mag out there and every time i see it. it's like "Great and beneveolent leader enjoys time with family page 24". his ad campaigns in videogames and everywhere inventive as well makes me feel like Big Brother is not far off.
"We're sorry, but something went wrong.
We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly."
Guess I will try back later with a different browser even.
Come on people it's all just good fun.
Lighten up a bit please.
it works only on macs running osx 10.5