Intoxicated Orson Welles Tries to Sell Wine

This Paul Masson Wines ad campaign featuring Orson Welles was famous in the 1970s, but I think this outtake is even better than the real thing. I guess after multiple takes, Welles was pretty toasted. Maybe no one told him that he should spit the wine out between shots. What do you think - funny or sad?


Poor old Welles. A theatrical genius reduced to hawking horrid grape products in his twilight years. Or perhaps he is lucky, having a name that was still recognized decades after his best work.

No matter, if I were him, I would have gotten drunk during the taping. There is no shame in that game.
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Wells once said that you make your name on the way up and your fortune on the way down. This has inspired me a lot to keep taking advantage of anything even if it pays nothing. I'm hoping to make a fortune off of my spiral from greatness.
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Now THAT is

The cuts are what make it. When the director finally gets enough of his drunken rambling.

Makes me want to find a 'Pinky and The Brain' compilation.
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Reminds me of the scene in the animated show of The Critic, when a (impersonated) Orsen Wells was doing a commercial for... Frozen Peas. He said something like "Full of country goodness, and green pea-ness."


Wait, found a link!
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I'd love to know what those actors at the table with him thought. I figured they would have been thrilled, at first, about getting to work with Welles. Then after 49 takes of trying to look interested at a wine bottle, that dude probably wanted to smack him with it.
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Professionalism. Actors (usually non-stars) generally have it. Perhaps it was more pervasive back then?

I can't tell you how annoying it was every time Heratio Sans and Jimmy Fallon were in an SNL skit together, because it was all stone-faced teleprompter reading and giggling throughout the scene.

Similar scenarios are bothersome.

Even in the blooper real, it sucks. The bloopers where people break character and say something funny, or run into something, or practically anything else, can be entertaining. But them taking 10 shots because someone can't stop giggling is just boring.
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