Photo: wtf_inc [LiveJournal] - via Crunch Gear
Hello, everyone! It's time for Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey game. I don't know the background story of this photo, the LiveJournal user who posted it only mentioned that it was taken in Seattle.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to provide the caption. Funniest caption wins an original Laugh-Out-Loud Cat cartoon by Adam Koford.
For inspiration, definitely check out Adam's blog. Good luck!
Update 1/20/09 - Adam has picked the winner! Congratulations to Jay L. who won with this gem: "What!?! IT's safer than pushing it with the car."
Sit, don't walk.
"Why yes! Billy was a 35 pound birth. How could you tell?
Diapers not included.
Next week, the Car.
(think about it for a while, you'll get it)
ideal for travelling babies and in this case, towing drained segways.
Dude, that doesn't even make sense.
No, when you were a baby. Like, instead of walking. Get it? Your mom, your mom's so stupid...
No, dude, I get it. It's just dumb. No one would do that.
Yeah, but, like, your mom's so dumb she actually DID though. I found this photo.