Cartocacoethes: Uncontrollable Compulsion to See Maps Everywhere

The human brain is wired to recognize faces everywhere, but it turns out that there's also a strange mania called cartocacoethes: the uncontrollable compulsion to see maps everywhere.

Strange Maps blog has a post about these "accidental maps" - for example, the africa in milanesa to the left:

“I was cooking this typical Argentinian food called milanesa, when I found the map of Africa in my saucepan,” writes Manuel Barcia from Argentina. “This typical dish is made out of a cut meat from the back of the cow, called nalga, covered with a mix of mashed bread and eggs and then fried. I always say that each piece of meat looks like an undiscovered island or some unknown place, but this looked just like Africa.”

Link - via BB-Blog

What's more annoying than the imbecilic fascination of some people at seeing things that aren't there is the utter inability of others to ever miss an opportunity to talk about it like it matters. Who cares?
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In Texas, everything is shaped like Texas. Not because people have this disorder, but because it actually is. I grew up on Texas shaped tortilla chips. They actually are tastier!

In Israel, everything is shaped like Israel. Not because it actually is, but because Israel has such a boring-yet-not-square shape that oh so many things look enough like Israel that people actually care.
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"Milanese meat" it's an tyipycal Italian dish since last time i checked Milan was in italy not in Argentina

(How it's called the strange mania that make you be picky when somebody talks about Italian food? I guess it's called being italian, sorry :)
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You are right, "milanese meat" is a typical Milanese (duh!) dish, but it's also extremely popular in Argentina. They are not stealing your dishes, you know :P.
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