The Illuminati Pyramid Papercraft

Here's a papercraft for all of you who have learned to stop worrying and love the New World Order: the Illuminati Pyramid Papercraft, by Paper Replika.

Just be careful where you place the papercraft, because it surely contains printed microcircuitry with hypersensitive cellulosic fiber antenna that will transmit whatever it is you say to Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Link - via Super Punch

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Well, we thank all of you, for wasting your time and enslaving your self, so you can support our life sytle and our ways and culture, for genorations people continue and will continue to inslave your selfs. Please keep spending your hard earned money on the pointless commities that make you feel good aboout yourself spend money on somthing that has no meaning of life at all that and we proved this to blind you from the true meanings of life and existence. All humans are under great control, most of you all have jobs 8-4 and 9-5, what ever the case may be, you all will continue to inslave your selfs into a world of exterme stress, no meaning, depression, and total confussion, most of your have no clue what to beilive. so you turn to our news and media networks. we have controled what you hear, see, and learn for televison since the day it began. Everything in your lives, with the excption of your familys, means noting. Most of you have pointless jobs, barly making ends meet. The answers are right in your face, but your all to blind to see them.
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Not to be rude, but the motto, "Novus Ordo Seclorum"
actually means "New Order of The Ages", not "New World Order", a common misconception. Sorry! (Latin major)
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