Personally, I find this to be further discrimination against ugly animals. If they con you into thinking fish are like adorable little kitties, will it really get you to stop eating more fish? As for me, go ahead and dish me up some delightful meowing sushi, I'm hungry.
That said, I will happily eat fish, whether they are called sea kittens or not. Like that idiocy will ever catch on.
Yes, it's piffle.
People Eating Tasty Animals.
Not a joke BTW, they really are.
blood boiling ......i cant form coherent sentence cos......they are morons .......sea kittens ...... wtf.... im having a stroke
So if fish are sea Kittens what's a great white shark?
A Sea lion. Wait, no that won't work.
That said, I'm all for the change of name. If it makes PETA happy to have fish called seakitties, then their average moron supporter will be even more horrified by the consumption of live and dead seakitties.
The "e" in PETA is supposed to stand for ethical, which is the biggest joke of all given their tactics and all the puppies they kill.
Have I mentioned that I hate PETA?
I think another good campaign would be to take their money, fold it into origami animals and send it in out to people they want to "change" Heck, I would take a couple just for myself!
ted, the reason PETA gets under my skin is because they make people who do work with and for the benefit of animals on a daily basis look bad. When I was in the veterinary field, it was automatically assumed that I supported these clowns. The more I read into what they do and what they believe, the more disgusted I became. I am not an activist by any means, but I do like to get the message about their hypocrisy and aggressive philosophy out to people.A lot of people see them as being very benign, and they are anything but.