Mail Order Husbands

Guys have been able to erhm, order, a mail order bride from Russia and Asia for quite some time now. But what about the ladies? Fulfilling an obviously under-served niche is this fantastic website, Mail Order Husbands.

This one to the left is "Steven"

I'm definitely a classic romantic. I like a candlelight dinner, some quiet background music, and a couple hits of ether. I prefer a woman that has insurance and a car would be great as I need to make the occassional trip to Mexico to pick up "souvenirs".

I'm sure this is the foremost questions your mind:

Q: What does it cost the parties involved?

Art: It all depends on the demand. We have an excellent variety of quality bachelors, and the highest demand is for men around 30 years old with lots of hair. For example if you want to order a 52 year old bald man who has bad psioriasis, well then maybe $600.. but say we had a candidate that looked like a young Erik Estrada, well that kind of product doesn't last long, we typically charge around $9,000.

Don't forget to take the compatibility test! Link - via Rue the Day

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