Space cat in zero gravity

For security reasons, we must remain circumspect about exactly how this video got to Neatorama headquarters from outer-space. It's footage of an act almost as heinous and terrifying as cat juggling. This time, it's a cat in zero gravity.

Note that the audio has been removed to protect the innocent.



How is this animal cruelty? Sure, maybe the cat got a little stressed but compare that to what it would experience out in the wilderness where Bob knows what could kill it at every turn.

Not really zero gravity, more like falling inside a hollow cylinder with wings :P
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It is to test to see if cats will land on their feet in 0 gravity.

Pointless if you ask me though. Animal cruelty? How should I know. That cat could have been breed for animal testing so its life was born to die.
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hmm. not cruel, huh? well, i suppose sneaking into your house and pretending to set you on fire while you sleep is just "added stress", right? not that i would condone such a thing. but u know, what would be the big deal? it's not cruel or anything.
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That's disgusting. I won't be checking this site for at least a few days now, to make sure it's not on the first page any more.

Why would you think it was OK to post this? PETA's going to be on your ass, and for once, rightfully so.

And to MrPump... if you were 'in the wilderness' you'd experience a lot of stress too. It's really easy to make statements like that sitting on your ass in your cushy home. The difference between you and the cat, is that if the cat *were* put into the wilderness, it would adapt and survive. You would probably last a week.
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The fact that Neatorama keeps posting these terrible links to animal abuse sickens me. I love the site otherwise.... why do you have to keep doing this?! Just so you know, because you apparently don't: subjecting an animal to undue "stress" so that the masses can laugh at the animal's distress is NOT NEATO. Next thing you know they'll be posting "hilarious" videos of cats in the microwave.
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You people are just silly. Oh noes, the cat was a bit stressed and maybe a bit dizzy, my god, poor little kitty. Let's call PETA, make billboards, sit around a fire and sing songs about animal liberty while we continue stuffing our faces with meat, using medicine that has killed countless animals during their development and continue using their hides to adorn our own.

"well, i suppose sneaking into your house and pretending to set you on fire while you sleep is just “added stress”, right?"

No, that's called breaking and entering and is illegal and punishable by law.

I mean, honestly, calling this animal cruelty is taking away all value the phrase has when describing real animal cruelty.

glassmusic, I've been an avid outdoorsman since I was a wee kid, and I have the outmost respect for nature, I'd last much longer than the vast majority. Sorry to burst your bubble.
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Shame on you, while the circumstances of where the cat -exactly- is not the most awful thing of this video, the way the cat is being thrown about and is clearly under stress (by the way it is clinging to the woman) makes this easily one of your most tasteless and shameful video links ever posted.

I was proud to say, once, this was my favourite place to come and learn, laugh or just feed my brain for a bit with useless goodies, I doubt very much I'll be frequenting this site again for a very long time.

again. Shame on you, shame.
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Even my stepson, who isn't the most sensitive guy in the universe, said "...why?!?" when confronted with this video (Not the stepson who pawned my DVD, but his younger brother).
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Everybody: Real Animal lovers would treat their fellow pets and animals like they would a human friend. That being said, this video is just like pulling a prank on your friend. Sure the friend is going to be 'stressed', maybe mad, maybe sad. But from the moments of pure bonding and love when you are not pranking said friend, they know that when it comes down to it, they are cared for.

If a cat can remember this 0g experience, it can and will remember all the catnip crazes you've provided, the fact that you provide it with food (if not shelter) and most of all it will remember getting its chin scratched while sleeping on your lap.
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Harmless, but pointless experiment. It would have been cool if the cat would have been told what to try and achieve. However, having nature take its course would cause him to just spin and spin. Neat, sure. But spend the money on getting us to Mars, please.
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PETA's gonna shut down Neatorama! Oh no!!

glassmusic: I hope you don't eat ice cream unless it's made with human milk, that's another thing PETA fights for!

The cat did not get hurt, or lit on fire. But whatever.
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Lighten up everyone. No animal died, no animal was hurt. It was interesting to see how the cat reacted to a low gravity environment. Its momentary stress was nothing like the suffering endured by millions of animals due to the refusal of people to spay and neuter their pets. Mad about this video? Go donate to or volunteer at a shelter and stop whining on the internet tubes.
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What you folks don't realize is that NASA trained two separate teams of astronauts for this mission. They had each team live together for more than 12 months in a special house - along with a cat. Each day they would bring their cat to the training facility to plan for this mission.

On the day of the actual mission into space, without telling the astronauts, NASA technicians switched the cats so that Team A would fly with Team B's cat - and vice-versa.

The astronauts did not find out that they were in space with the other team's cat until they were already in orbit. This was also the moment that they discovered that the cat experiments they had prepared and trained for: cat stroking and purring in zero gravity, cat grooming, catnip toy playing, etc. were to be discarded in favor of a new set of experiments, known collectively as the "Cruelty to Cats" experiments.

We've only been able to piece together a small amount of information about the "Cruelty to Cats" series of zero-gravity experiments, but we know that in addition to the one that appears in this video, "Effects of throwing a weightless cat at a metal capsule wall," there was another experiment that involved tying little paper bags on the cat's feet and forcing him to roam freely about the capsule. It is suspected that an additional experiment involved spraying the cat with a zero-gravity water hose.

I realize that these acts - including the part of the experiment depicted in the video above - are heinous. Neither Neatorama nor I condone acts of cruelty perpetrated against any animals, especially cats - even in the name of science.

I chose to share this video as a warning to some of our younger readers out there that even within an organization as ostensibly benevolent as NASA, evil still lurks in the hearts of men. Hopefully, by watching this video, young people will be more aware of what takes place in their names these days, masquerading as "science." It is my belief that these young "scientists of tomorrow" can use the awareness to change things for a better future for all of us - human and feline alike.

Tell your friends.
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Wow, people really need to lighten up about this animal cruelty thing. That is a cat in a zero gravity environment, this is not cock-fighting, this is not shooting cats with pellet guns, this is not even as bad as the squirrel catapult video...
Seriously, unless it was your cat they were playing with just keep your mouth shut and re-arrange your priorities.
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Wow, Adam. That took a lot of effort.

I wouldn't call it cruelty in the same sense as kicking or injuring the cat. it certainly looks like a mean thing to do.
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a little unnecessarily rough with the test subject, me thinks. i don't know if they were trying to test the effects of 0g on the cat, or if it would bounce off the wall? maybe they should leave baby huey out of the animal tests next time.
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I don't think it is space.

I think it is on one of those airplanes that one can buy rides on now that have all of the seats removed and that make huge dives, creating the illusion of weightlessness inside the cabin.

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Seriously, WTF? The cat was not hurt, the cat was not in danger of being hurt. Like other posters have mentioned already, that was not outer space but simply one of those "vomit comet" airplanes. They are padded, the cat was fine.
Get a grip people, if you want to know what animal cruelty really is, go find that video of the Marine throwing the puppy off a cliff.
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Looks like that video was made in NASA's weightless-simulation airplane or one of the private industry counterparts. The cat--and the human passengers--experienced weightlessness for about 30 seconds at a time.

In my opinion, the cat didn't act much differently from any other human taking that ride for the first time. I'm sure that, given enough experience, the cat would learn to navigate in zero-g as easily as anyone else would.

So relax, no cat went into outer space.
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@DOJ: That was hilarious! Thanks!

I want to see a space shuttle experiment with pigeons; will their homing instinct get them back from space?

Sure what was done to poor kitty wasn't terribly nice, but cruel? Nope. And besides, you have to excuse the people in the video on grounds of ignorance. Judging by the women's hairstyles, this was filmed before the world was blessed by PETA and their mission to make us aware of what horrible beasts we humans are. We now know that animals deserve better treatment than people.
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Vomit Comet, as it's referred to by test pilots, and others. But Adam, I thought you were being sarcastic in the (original) post, saying people had possibly died bringing this video to Neatorama. That being removed, and your long explanation of what's actually going on in this video, takes me aback a bit. And the whole Dan Rather thing? Aminothighenough? Cause I don't think I get it. ;)
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I'm sorry, Johnny Cat.

A friend of mine IM'd me the video this afternoon. As far as I know, nobody was killed delivering it to my friend.

I'm not sure why there is no audio. I don't think the reason there's no audio has anything to do with keeping anybody safe, however.

I was frankly very surprised at the negative reactions to the video here. While I'm not really a cat or a pet person, I do love all living things to some extent and would never tolerate any cruelty to any animal.

I looked at the video again and again and I just don't think there is anything cruel about it at all. I can guarantee that nobody who posts on Neatorama would ever post a video in which an animal is deliberately being harmed for laughs. This simply does not compute.

I had a few free minutes when I wrote the comment above about the NASA cat cruelty program. It was a complete fabrication and was meant to be marginally humorous. The idea in comments that inspired it was somebody saying that nobody would hurt a cat that they knew - which made me think that if you DIDN'T know the cat, maybe you could be cruel to it. What if NASA took away your cat and replaced it with a cat that you didn't know - and demanded that you tie little paper bags to its feet. Would you do it? Would you derive some small amount of sadistic pleasure in doing so?

These are important questions without easy answers.

In the meantime, I'm genuinely sorry if anyone was genuinely upset by the cat video. I'm not sorry enough to take it down, however, as I think it is interesting, and yes - even "neat." It isn't the most interesting thing on this site by a longshot, nor will this post go down in the annals of Neatorama history as one of the "neater" ones, but I think it is "neat," nevertheless.

I reach into my magic bag and try to find something worthy of a post here on Neatorama. More often than not, I think I'm successful. Some posters have higher success rates than me, however, IMO. Are they able to tap in to some cosmic "neat" energy that mysteriously guides them? Are they eating diets higher in Omega-3 Fatty Acids? Are they simply cooler, funnier and "neater" than I am? I'm afraid that I can't answer these questions. I just don't know.

User feedback - particularly through comments and the occasional hate mail/death threat - is something that I personally take into account on an ongoing basis as I continue to post here. While the demands of conflicting definitions of "neat" can sometimes be paralyzing, I believe in my heart that whether or not I agree with a given feedback tidbit, I learn from them all. The lesson I will carry forth from today is that there are people who read this blog who seem to have a remarkable amount of concern about whether or not a cat that is unknown to them that appears in a video is happy or unhappy. Seeing what they perceive to be an unhappy cat makes these people unhappy. I do not wish to be an agent of unhappiness here on Neatorama or anywhere else for that matter. In the future, when choosing a video that features a cat whose happiness can be discerned, I will stick exclusively to videos where the cats depicted are either apparently happy or indifferent. There is a third category I might consider - that of cats that are pretending to be unhappy, but who are actually happy deep down. The truth be told, however, I will probably mostly stay away from that type of video as I could see how making a determination like that - and sticking with it - could be stressful.

If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to post them here in this thread or to contact me directly via email. Thanks!
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Adam, I recently shared a youtubeism called "Man Yelling At His Cats" on my blog, and while I found this to be hilarious (as a cat person), I realized there are those who would see it as cruel to the cats. Cats are amazing in their adaptive qualities, and both these videos are harmless, as I said before.

I like your posts.
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@MrPumpernickel. even though i don't much care for the way they toss the cat make an excellent point when you said,

"I mean, honestly, calling this animal cruelty is taking away all value the phrase has when describing real animal cruelty."

this is not true animal cruelty. look up puppy mills and lab animals and you'll see what REAL animal cruelty is. lifelong cruelty.

i'd like to challenge all those who are outraged at this - and those who aren't - to do something besides posting here to actually help a real live animal. i'm not a crusader - but i got a rescue dog who was used as a breeder at a puppy mill and after months and months of love, attention, full bellies, long walks and kisses, she still runs from us. fear is all she knows. it's doubtful she'll ever be a trusting dog. so lets keep things in perspective and consider actually doing something besides posting your outrage. to all those that have helped an animal...i salute you. they need us.

thank you for reading this far.
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Hi, I'm from PETP - People for the ethical treatment of People. I don't really care about this video, but I do care about any video that you've posted involving pranks, tricks, hidden cameras, etc. on People. these cause undue stress. We live in a happy, shiny world where no animal should ever have to feel stress, ever, ever. Especially humans.

I'm going to tell 10 friends about Neatorama to counteract all the over-reactors out there.

Also, there is REAL animal cruelty out there that you should go get angry about.
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Out of curiosity, how many of you people complaining about animal cruelty eat meat?

For what it's worth, it does seem like a pretty mean thing to do to a cat. It's obviously absolutely terrified (check out the hair on its tail), and he starts by throwing it at the wall of the plane.
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ok i understand how interesting it would be to see the cat in zero gravity but flinging it like that is STUPID. i hope that cat retaliated with some scratching.
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Of course animal cruelty is not funny, I didnt think this video was intended to be funny. I found the smiles and laughs of the people in the video to be a bit disturbing. There was not a second that I thought by posting this Adam or Neatorama was promoting cruelty to animals. I do think it is a cruel and pointless thing to do to a cat but it is interesting. Poor kitty. He mustve been declawed because in my experience when a cat is all puffed up like that(look at its tail) the claws are definitely out.

It seems like people tend to hate your posts Adam but you sure get people talking
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I have to admit the first toss looked a little to hard. But chances are the guy doing it wasn't all that experienced with zero G either the second one was much softer.
It is kind of interesting to see the cat in zero G. If you've ever seen a cat fall in slow motion you'll see the exact same thing except with the zero G the cat can't stop its spin for it looks like its really freaked out. But you'll also see when its in the persons hands. Its not trying to scratch the persons eyes out either so its probably not that stressed out.
It would be interesting to see how long it would take a cat to get used to a zero g enviroment. Too bad they don't take one up to the space station where it would have a chance to get used to zero g. I bet after about an hour it would be walking on the ceiling like nothing unusual was happening.
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haha that was great, and its not in space its on that plane that dives from high altitudes to simulate zero-gravity. they wouldnt get a cat into a spacestation.
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Oh come on. This footage is obviously from the 80's. It happened then. It wouldn't happen today. Get over it. I think the cat was stressed at the time but I'm sure he/she got over it, so you can too. Besides, this web site is for posting unusual/interesting things. It's not making a statement that testing weightless in cats is a good thing or even particularly funny. Find something else to be mock outraged about.
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As the owner of two rescue pets I know that this incident wouldn't have even rated a bad day in the lives of my cat and dog before they were rescued.

You think 45 seconds in Zero F is cruel? Try living on the streets of Provo Utah in the winter like my cat did.

My cute little pug dog would have taken a real ticket to space for the day just not to spend it in the trailer she lived in until she was 5 months along with 35-45 other dogs owned by a lady with a hoarding problem.
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Oh an PS- The Footage IS from the 80's which is why it is silent (early online vid encoders sometime cut sound) And also why getting mad about this is silly.

This particular cat probably lived out its days long ago and has since passed away.
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Well, seeing how a cat (or dog) does in low-grav might be interesting... especially if they are thinking about the impact of having pets in space (*in the FUTURE!*)

But what bugged me was the dude throwing the cat against the wall. That's just peculiar.
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What horrifies me more is the fact that so many people get up in arms over a cat that is subjected to near zero gravity for a short period of time, but then becomes totally apathetic when the subject of human cruelty is brought up.

Some of you people really sicken me that you can think of yourself as a good human being.
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I think some people react so strongly to what they think as animal cruelty b/c they see animals as more helpless/innocent than humans.

Anyway... I still say poor cat and I think it was a pointless "experiement", but I'm not going to get all up in arms by Neatorama posting it.
This isn't even on the radar compared to the other real cruelties out there.
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I LOVE it. And I have a nice lovely fluffy black purrball at home. There is something simply hilarious about a cat when it spazzes out. It becomes the complete antithesis of its ultra cool, calm and collected feline self.
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Most of PETA is full of self promoted anarchist yuppys who like to be s#$@ desturbers at events where they can throw bricks and break stuff. They have such a tainted record I could never take them seriously.
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You blew it on this one. I can understand wanting to see how any animal reacts in weightlessness, and just like watching humans, the results can be funny. But they threw the cat against the wall - twice. Not funny at all. . .
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The throw was hard? Oh come on, have you never ever seen a living cat before? Notice how they jump up and down from things all the bloody time without harm? This was like a jump from a moderately high table at most. Cats are built to be able to take that.

You people seriously need to untangle your bunched up panties and get over your self righteous selves.
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Adam, I think you have really nailed the issue when you said "Seeing what they perceive to be an unhappy cat makes these people unhappy." Cruel or not isn't really the point. Most people react to seeing unhappiness by feeling unhappy, and when we are looking for neat and interesting things, feeling unhappy is pretty low on our list of interests. And just because it's not the most awful thing in the world, doesn't mean it isn't unpleasant.
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On first viewing, I thought this was abuse, clear and simple. After another viewing, I'm not so sure.

I've seen a lot of angry cats being bathed. Bathing, while ostensibly is done under the auspices of health, is a very stressful activity for a cat. Is it abuse? Is it more abusive than what's happening in this video?

What I don't like is the attitude of the humans in the video. It's difficult to tell but it seems they are having a great time throwing the cat around. I find that disturbing. Though not at the same level, it is the same base emotion of crowds that inexplicably allows them to throw all moral judgment aside and do the awful things that crowds can do. And by viewing, I feel that I am part of that crowd and that is an unsettling feeling.

The context in which this video is viewed is a big deal. Are we watching it to laugh at the cat? Are we watching it to shed some light on human behavior that we're not very proud of? If the former, I am very ashamed.
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I have mixed feelings about this video. I wouldn't say it's animal cruelty really, I mean that cat is fine and unharmed. However, that cat was definitely temporarily stressed out and scared when it was flailing about in zero g... I would describe this as an interesting but rather mean experiment... but in the end, the cat was fine, so I do think many people commenting here are overreacting.
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Also, I do have to agree that the throw was rather hard. You can't really tell if the wall was padded or not, but that guy throws the cat with quite a bit of force. I know that cats are great and jumping and landing from high locations, but that's not the same as being thrown from that distance with extra velocity. And yes, that cat's body is meant to "take that" impact, but that doesn't mean it's pleasant for the cat, and usually when a cat jumps it knows it's going to jump and can prepare for the landing, which is different from being thrown at a wall by some astronaut. I'm not saying this is animal cruelty and we should call the spca or whatever, I'm just saying that some people need to consider exactly what is being done here, and what the cat is feeling during these experiences. The human face is built to "take" the impact from a punch to the face, but that doesn't mean I should go around punching people in the face. That cat was unharmed, but was scared crapless a number of times during this experiment (which wasn't exactly performed in a very scientific manner). And in the long run, this experiment is not a big deal and I'm sure the cat was fine, but it's not fair to gloss over the fact that an animal in such an experiment cannot fully understand what is going on and will be temporarily stressed and scared, and that kinda sucks... it doesn't hurt to be aware of the feelings of others you know. Even if it's just a cat.
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I've seen some real underground cat-juggling performances in my day, and this ain't one of them. The thrower doesn't even have a cigarette!

What a bunch of sissies. Thank God we've allowed at least enough animal cruelty to get a few medications. Here in the pinnacle of decadence, feline mental health advocates outnumber the humanitarians. Shazaam.
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this is my first visit to this website and after watching that poor cat being tortured i will never be back! shame on all of you who think watching an animal be tortured or in distress is funny!!!
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Furious about this video? Maybe a lot of you should think about the torture, agony and death that takes place among animals a million times daily in order to feed the meat, egg and dairy industries that I'm sure many of you support and consume daily.

As for those of you who claim they will not return to Neatorama after seeing this post-- Neatorama features articles which are hard to look at sometimes, not because it promotes things like cats in zero gravity, but because it is a great site with an eclectic range of really really damn interesting pieces of information. It's not called "daisies, kittens, and smilinglaughter-orama," it's called NEATorama, and it exposes you to neat things you would never normally see.

It's probably good you're leaving if you're not going to understand this website.
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@ Scotchdrnkr ITA with your comment,

"I have to admit the first toss looked a little to hard. But chances are the guy doing it wasn’t all that experienced with zero G either the second one was much softer."

that makes perfect sense. especially since he does do the second toss much more softly. i seriously doubt that this was all a set up to torment the cat. i think one of my dogs would really enjoy it. i would let her give it a try because she loves new adventures. who knows, maybe they thought the cat might enjoy it.

as many others have said - this is not true abuse. look up 'animal abuse' and this will look like a day in the park. fight real fights - there are plenty out there without building one out of a mildly annoyed cat.
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Arfi21 and Yve, thanks for reminding me why I stopped visiting Neatorama in the first place.

Cruelty is a continuum. So is stupidity. People are capable of great cruelty, or the lesser kind - mean, spiteful little things that don't take into acount the comfort of any living being but themselves.

To place an animal in a situation it can't possibly comprehend will certainly cause it unnecessary distress. To do so from a general attitude of "What if we tried this?" is cruel - and stupid.

"Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to." --Mark Twain
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==wont take your money today, but lookout tomorrow. I send it back, see if I get me money back?
I know, shoulda , woulda, coulda
just didnt
dont'love it
dont want it
please dont stick me with it
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