As part of their divorce settlement, a doctor in New York state is requesting the return of a kidney he donated to his wife in 2001!
The unnamed doctor will, however, settle for $1.5 million. Link -Thanks, Gigi1!
Update: Here's a link with more information on the story.
The doctor claims his wife began having an affair sometime after the transplant.
"We were in a million-dollar home, I was a full-time surgeon, full-time father and a dedicated husband. And I saved her life, and there's nothing bad about what I did, I'd do it again. But the pain is unbearable," the doctor said.
The unnamed doctor will, however, settle for $1.5 million. Link -Thanks, Gigi1!
Update: Here's a link with more information on the story.
The kidney "assetization" is interesting : gifts from one spouse to the other can create non-marital property but usually bought (fed?) with marital funds it's considered marital property.
I wouldn't like to be the judge on this.
I agree with a pp.... he's just doing it to hurt her and make the divorce more painful.
Not cool. The article gives very little detail on the case. All of you taking his side, keep in mind that he may have some dirt under the rug too. At least she's not publicly humiliating him.
This just in: you're going to die, and you spent five years of a relatively tiny life span in court fighting over a bean-shaped filtration mechanism.