You'd think that making a product simpler would be a good thing, but sometimes minimalism goes too far. Cool Material has a list of beautiful minimalist products that are so simple they may be hard for a normal person to use! Pictured is the Nimbus Ultimate Wheel, which does away with the bicycle's second wheel, gears, seat, and almost everything else! Link -Thanks, Tim!
You'd think that making a product simpler would be a good thing, but sometimes minimalism goes too far. Cool Material has a list of beautiful minimalist products that are so simple they may be hard for a normal person to use! Pictured is the Nimbus Ultimate Wheel, which does away with the bicycle's second wheel, gears, seat, and almost everything else! Link -Thanks, Tim!
From the Merriam Webster on line dictionary:
Main Entry: 1 chuff
Pronunciation: \?ch?f\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English chuffe
Date: 15th century
Main Entry: 2 chuff
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: imitative
Date: 1914
: to produce noisy exhaust or exhalations : proceed or operate with chuffs
Main Entry: 3 chuff
Function: noun
Date: 1915
: the sound of noisy exhaust or exhalations
Gets on your exhalations?
In case you haven't realized, words have multiple definitions.
Courtesy of your namesake, Merriam-Webster:
1 a: most remote in space or time : farthest
b: last in a progression or series : final
c: eventual 2
d: the best or most extreme of its kind : utmost
2: arrived at as the last result 3
a: basic , fundamental
b: original 1 c: incapable of further analysis, division, or separation
So uh... read that dictionary that currently resides in your rectum alongside a stick.
It's just those who think they know everything are aggravating to those of us who do! :-)
I found a few youtube videos of people trying to learn, falling over, wobbling about - just as one would expect, really. Then I found this:
Actually the spine-saver seems really useful! I might make one for myself...