Topless Robot lists The 10 Best Repainted Action Figures of All Time.
They're the bane of many an action figure collector's existence--repaints. That's when a manufacturer takes an existing action figure, paints it in all-new colors and tries to pass it off as a new figure, such as "Arctic Batman." This allows the company to squeeze a little more profit out of the expensive mold they created for the original figure. Collectors hate them, kids are indifferent to them and the figures warm the pegs. But once in a while, a figure is repainted (along with a few minor tweaks) and is passed off not as just a new figure, but a brand-new character. The results are often laughable but, once in a while, kinda cool.Pictured is TC14, who resembles another robot we all know and love, but couldn't be the same, because he is silver! Link -Thanks, Keith!
Identical twin bad guys... sure it's the same exact toy but kids still want both.
Oh, and the same goes for the apocryphal "Daisy Meadows" the the awful Rainbow Magic books. There's about as much thought in each of those as in a My Little Cash Cow repaint.
And if that amendment has been made, why didn't anybody tell me it's time for a career change?
However the 2005 resculpts, head molds were probably the most re-used.