Five Celebrity Wikipedia Entries They Clearly Wrote Themselves

I have to say, nailed this one. I grew up loving Corey Feldman. My cousins and I used to fight over who would get to marry him someday (thank God I lost that one, I guess). But even I have to admit his career is less than stellar at the moment. However, the "anonymous" person who wrote this section of his Wikipedia entry begs to differ:

"In November of 2008 he released his most ambitious musical project to date, a new album with his band Truth Movement entitled Technology Analogy. This high concept album has been met with tremendous reviews, and features an all-star line up, including Jon Carin (Pink Floyd), Mark Karan (Rat Dog, Grateful Dead) Scotty Page (Pink Floyd), and artwork by the legendary artist Storm Thorgerson. To order his album check out his website at"

Aw... yeah. Cracked has also outed Bruce Willis, Hulk Hogan, Paul Stanley and William Shatner as the authors of their own Wikipedia entries. And maybe the entries were written by lackeys or overzealous fans, but the article is funny either way.


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I'm listening to 'Technology Analogy' right now and I am thankful *I* don't have to write about this thing. I applaud him for taking that burden off our shoulders. Now if he would do the heavy lifting of listening to it as well...
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Cory Doctorow is famous for not only editing and correcting his own entry, but for entering into deep discussions with wikipedia users about why he should do so and requesting that they use more flattering photos of him.
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