Chris "Jesus" Ferguson Makes Fruit Salad

Professional poker player Chris Ferguson can cut bananas and watermelon just by throwing a playing card. Pretty impressive, but wouldn't it be easier to just use a knife?
I kid, I kid.

Hooray for falseness. I'm not a critic of the guy or anything, but you do realize this is...well, this is way more fake than the Snowprints. In fact, this guy is the most magical thing about this post. He seems ethereal.
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I'll see your Chris Ferguson, and raise you one Ricky Jay.

Ricky Jay not only did it first, but did it better. Pull up a video or two on You Tube, you won't be disappointed.
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It's not fake. He's also an incredible ballroom dancer. Also, whenever he does one of his experiments in turning a dollar into twenty thousand through extreme bankroll management, he donates it to charity. The only person who donates more is Barry Greenstein, who plays full time and donates ALL winnings to charity.
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