In 2000, the publishing giant Random House assembled a board of authors and literary critics to list the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.
The Zeray Gazette blog has the list (of which I reprinted the top 10) and I'm sad to say that I've only read 4 of these:
1. (1922) Ulysses James Joyce
2. (1925) The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald
3. (1916) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce
4. (1955) Lolita Vladimir Nabokov
5. (1932) Brave New World Aldous Huxley
6. (1929) The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner
7. (1961) Catch-22 Joseph Heller
8. (1940) Darkness at Noon Arthur Koestler
9. (1913) Sons and Lovers D. H. Lawrence
10. (1939) The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck
How many of the 10 (and 100) have you read? And what's missing from the list? Link
No way.
avraamov: Ulysses is still in English. It's Finnegan's that takes the real leap.
I'm surprised he's not on this list.
and yes, Cormac McCarthy is a great writer. i spent a few months reading everything of his i could find, and burned out on him, unfortunately.
Just because it's hilarious doesn't mean it isn't a great work of literature.
No "To Kill a Mockingbird" ?!?
This list looks like it was put together by people who want other people to think they are smart and well read.
Frankly, life is to short to read Joyce.
And, @JPFC: your inability to get through/enjoy Ulysses is explained in full by your love of Atlas Shrugged.
just because a book has pictures doesn't mean it's not a great work of literature
Coincidentally just finished Grapes of Wrath. Very depressing of course, but I did enjoy it and had a hard time putting it down. I have a bad habit of picking up the dialect of whatever I am watching/reading, so for a while I was drawling and droppin' the en's offa words an' such.
any list without Tolkien is fail.
Seriously though, 4 of the top 10 but only 9 of the top 100.