Tesla Coils "Sing" Your Favorite Video Game Themes

This post started when I saw The 40 Greatest Uses of the Mario Brothers theme article at Rock the List. I figured I'd play one of the videos and link you guys to the rest. But when I searched for the original Tesla Coil video to share, all of these other video game themes appeared. Who knew?! Here's the theme that started it all - Mario:

And here we have Tetris, of course.


Amazing. I still recommend you check out the 40 Greatest Uses of the Mario Theme, though. It's got everything from the banjo, which I think sounds pretty good, to a dude with a remote control car that drives by a line of glass bottles and hits them to make the appropriate noise for each note.

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Why is it that despite all the cash spent on Wii titles, Nintendo games no longer have awesome, memorable soundtracks like the NES games of 20 years ago?
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