If you like to water the lawn in the middle of the night, this is the garden hose for you. Behold the Lighted Garden Nozzle, which comes with a built-in LED light to let you see exactly what you're watering after dark.
If you like to water the lawn in the middle of the night, this is the garden hose for you. Behold the Lighted Garden Nozzle, which comes with a built-in LED light to let you see exactly what you're watering after dark.
"Gardening at night...gardening at night"
msa, good call.
Also, it's not good to water your plants during the day. Something about the sun's rays reflecting through the water and burning your grass and plants and such. I'm sure someone more science-oriented can explain it better.
I can't say I've ever met anyone who habitually watered plants after nightfall. It seems like a very small niche market.