Sounds like a Jerry Springer episode, doesn't it? But it's actually from Good Morning America. These "reborn" dolls are remade to look remarkably real - so lifelike, in fact, that some women carry them around in public and accept compliments on their "babies." They also change their diapers multiple times a day and even throw them birthday parties, complete with real guests. GMA did a piece on these women and why they do what they do... it's very strange and sad, I think.
Link via BoingBoing
Photo from Flutterbies and Scutterbotch Nursery
Tom Hanks did it when he was stuck on that desert island, but that was a necessary device of mental self-protection.
One woman bought a doll to look just like her grandson when he was a baby. His mother moved him across the country and she missed him, so she had a doll made in his likeness.
I slightly understand the empty nest aspect of this, but it's still a bit weird, in my opinion. To each his or her own, though, because who am I to stop anyone?
[Sorry, this was a long-winded comment.
This also reminds me of the Czech film "Little Otik" where the husband of a barren woman makes a "baby" out of a tree trunk and she cares for it as if it were real.
"You are cordially invited to Connor's First Birthday Party!"
My how he hasn't grown, or breathed....yikes.
Although it would be the perfect chance for everyone to finally get together for that intervention.
Toys for grown-ups to simulate real babies are not a new invention, of course. It looks as if a crutch for that unfulfilled child-free life.
Rocky Rook, I had the same experience in Chicago about eight years ago!
In some ways, it reminds me of those nature documentaries where an animal's egg gets stolen and it goes right on preparing the nest, storing food, etc. I realize that's more pure instinct on the animal's part, but I think the nesting/parenting drive is incredibly strong in many animals, including ourselves, even to the point of self-delusion and make-believe.
If good parenting has as a component that of being a good example, then wouldn't you want your example to be that of a somewhat realized, complete person who defines his worth apart from his identity as a parent?
As with many things in life, to each his own and as long as it's not hurting anyone, what is the big deal? Without knowing all the details of a person's life, it's difficult to judge. I can easily find people that collect matches or bottle caps strange, but that's what makes this world so fascinating... diversity.
I do appreciate that for some women there is an emotional aspect to this, and I don't have a problem with that. If it keeps them happy, what harm is it doing anyone? In fact, I would be honored if one of my reborns helped to fill a void in someone's life.
Those that commented that there were no black ones -- you are wrong. See the link below for a photo of an ethnic baby:
-Tigerlily, Butterfly Meadows Nursery.
You can find tons of black dolls on ebay. Just search for "African American baby doll".
My first reaction to the whole reborning idea was "ewww, creepy", maybe because of the way I noticed their existance or the stories people told me. But a few months ago, I was shopping toys for my kids (as you may see, I don't have an "unfullfilled desire of being a mother")and saw the most wonderful collector's doll I've ever seen. To make a long story short, I left the store with the kids toys and a doll for me.
A little more than one month after the first doll, I bought a baby boy doll and, at the moment, I'm waiting for the arrival of my third reborn. And I have a lot of fun when I go shopping with any of them. Despite all the negative posts all over the internet, when real people see one of my "babies", they alway ask me to hold it for a while. Let's face the facts: if you are creeped by something, you run away, you don't ask to hold and say things like "awww, so sweet" :)
I like babies and children, that's a fact. And I like dolls, the same way I like music, perfumes and videogames. If you want to call me a freak because of this, be my guest. But please, think before judging... I'm sick of reading comments like "why don't these women adopt a real child?". Again, sorry for being so straight, but I do my part in trying to relief (at leat a little bit) of the misery of the poor, sick and abandoned ones. The question is: are the ones who judge my behaviour doing their parts???
I sold a baby to a woman who for 33 years wished she could of held who newboen son who passed away and bought a baby that finally gave her that peace. Her heart had ached for 33 yrs. She don't run around with it no but when the feeling strikes she picks it up, watches the telly and holds it cradled in her arms. Then puts it back. Is she crazy I think not it was driving her crazy for 33 years now she has comfort. Please examine our own collections of things, people and aches before we critisize others for finding a way to comfort themselves. I like to hold one at night while watching tv it is comforting and natural. Most just collect them as they are a beautiful reprsentation of one of Gods greatest gifts. Haven't any of you wished you could hold your grown child again? When I finished my daughtes replica and held it it was like putting color in a picture I had already seen, our memories fade with life so why not color them again?
I am a reborn artist and own the reborn forum
The majority of collectors just see the dolls as
forms of art, and can appreciate the workmanship of the doll.
doll collecting in itself is nothing new, reborns
are the next chapter or generation of doll collecting.
The amount of work which goes into making a reborn doll is huge. Each hair folicle is
pushed into the vinyl one at a time. The skin tone is achieved using many, many layers
of paint which is then cured with heat with each layer.
I have been "reborning" dolls for some years
My work is in what a call re~mourns, these are memorial portrait reborns in honour of lost little ones. I work very closely with SANDS and make sure the mommy has a lot of support, and is not looking to replace her lost angel with a doll.
In all of my experiences in doing these, i have found the mommy finds great peace and truly is able to move on.
Most Mommmies want a reborn to be the exact weight of their lost one as they are scared they will forget what it felt like to hold and cradle their little angel.
I charge hardly nothing for these re~mourns, barley covering the cost of the kits, but the email that the mommy has found peace, or is sleeping better, or is finding life easier, cant be quantified by money,
i read alot blogs on how creepy and weird this is
i have not yet to buy a reborn baby
but im 29 and i spent 7 years in depression cause i cant reproduce. those who have children. cant even begin to know the pain.. specially when some take it for granted..
some mentioned adoption. i much prefer real child then reborn.. adoption is around 20k mark.. highly expensive and very long process.. not every one is accepted.
surrogates failed me 5 times. they tend to be expensive. but mines was friends of family.
last night sept 27,2009 i cried when i saw these realistic babies. pathetic to some.. but
if you dont have one.. then this like second best to the real thing. i looked at baby simulator type babies but they dont look this real.. kinda bummed they dont have real baby syptoms and cries etc..
but i have 3 chihuhuas.. i treat as my children.
but you stil dont get the same pleasures as you would from this real like baby.. like baby clothes shopping.. taking them everywhere you go (dogs you cant) getting some graditude like real mommies have.. just to feel like women able to have child like everyone else.. just abit different...
just think. if they gone this far.. next they make them so computerized you wont even tell if there real or fake.. cause they will move burp laugh cry etc.
maybe grow idk
so dont judge the reborn baby.. alot cant have kids and cant find away to have them.. adoption isnt easy process and not always will happen for everyone.
not everyone has budget for real kid. which makes this one priceless laughs
however i can afford real baby.. just not the adoption fees.. wanna know something creepy.. people give up there children free to adoption centers so they can turn around charge high cost almost buying mercedies..
so find something weird creepy and wrong.. its the adoption centers not the reborn babies..
I see men commenting on here who think we are weird and creepy. WELL, lets see men have cars they name and they spend a whole lot more then I do on these, they don't drive these cars as we don't want to get a scratch on it see them at car shows all the time.. My husband goes to wargaming and I know he has spent a lot more on his hobby then I do mine... Women are generally born wanting to be mothers, so I don't find anything strange about wanting to own a reborn doll.. Everyone wants something.. Nothing wrong with it..
I have one reborn that I love. I know she is a doll, but I still like to change her clothes or cuddle her occaisionally. I love both my children very much, but they are older teens and would probably break my legs if they tried to sit on my lap for a cuddle. I have a husband that I love very much. I also have 3 cats that I love, but they do not give you the same feeling as rocking a reborn. Do I want to invest another 20 years raising another child just so I can feel the comfort or rocking a newborn? I don't think so. Am I crazy? No.
My son plays paintball and airsoft. I don't tell him he's creepy and if he wants to shoot at things, he should go into the army and shoot real people. I also don't expect my husband to give up his job and start homesteading because he enjoys playing "Farmville" in the evening. Most creative healthy people indulge in a little fantasy once in a while, wether it be video games, losing themselves in a novel or a role playing game. I feel bad for those people who have lost their imaginations. Reborns aren't for everyone, but nobody is forcing you to participate.
I get tired of people posting that we should adopt, or get a pet, or be more caring to someone else. Many of us collectors have wonderful loving families, pets and all, and volunteer in our community. We just like dolls too.