In an effort to ensure this site isn't biased towards the left, I thought you may all appreciate these silly Hillary Clinton items. Although, to be fair, now the site seems sexist against women politicians, so I assume everyone will still be unhappy.
Real conservatives don't use fire starters. Just the bill of rights.
Real liberals don't use fire starters. Just an American flag.
(thanks, Jill.)
Bye bye.
Your void will be filled with this firestarter.
Anyway, you're not doing your job until everyone's alienated. Try harder.
Gosh! Do you really think so?
I hope the future Obama 'humorous' memorabilia site will bring as much enjoyment.
I had been just reading the front page on Neatorama, avoiding the comments to avoid the flame wars, but Jill, you're well on your way to screwing up even that.
Bye bye."
which means we'll see you tomorrow under a different alias. Or maybe you will just refuse to login and comment anymore. Neatorama is like crack. You can't just quit it cold turkey! :)
It does seem to be pro democrat, but that is not the left.
There is no left in US politics. The democrats are right wing centrists. The republicans are basically fascists, that is to say extreme right wing.
The closest you get to a left wing is Nader, and he's nothing more than a consumer advocate.
There is no left.
It's sad to see people bashing Evil Pundit for having a different point of view.
I don't see why that's a problem. Most Neatorama readers are liberal. Most Neatorama contributors are liberal. Why go out of your way to avoid offending a stray conservative?
Would you walk into a country music bar and ask them to play some jazz? Would you ask Avenged Sevenfold to sing Oops I Did it Again? Would you ask John Madden to give you some in depth tennis analysis? Then quit asking Neatorama to lean right.
If you don't like a particular post, scroll on by. I find the sports related stuff boring but I don't criticize Alex for being a sports blog.
What irony I never thought of Hillary Clinton as hot.
The occasional political post is probably fine. When someone deliberately posts something that they know will offend a certain portion of their reading audience, and when the posts are mostly biased in one direction, that's not very pleasant for those people.
Say most of Neatorama's audience is heterosexual and white. Is it then okay to post something offensive to gay people or to black people? After all, they're not in the majority, and if they don't like it, they can just scroll down. Or go somewhere else. And they shouldn't complain at all - after all, they know they're reading a white, heterosexual blog.
And you're comparing racism to political preference? Come on, you're getting a little carried aren't you?
Maybe I'll explain it to you sometime.
I guess I just don't see what's wrong with ribbing and passionate debate. People over at pundit kitchen complained about the dearth of negative Obama posts during the campaign, but honestly, sometimes one figure is riper for satire than another. Obama supporters weren't recorded calling for McCain's head on a platter, or making up crazy terrortastic stories about Unidentified Black Males with raging cases of sadistic dyslexia assaulting poor McCain supporters, etc. The absurdity levels were not the same, I don't think, and what you saw in the instant-return environment of the internet reflected that.
Most of the absurdity surrounding Obama centers on his mythology as a savior to all of humankind, which is pretty funny but not double-over-laughing funny. Just naive and silly. Satire requires more abject pathos, like holding forth on the meaning of turkey day in front of turkeys being slaughtered, or family values and abstinence being espoused while your daughter gets knocked up. These things are funny and ironic in very colorful ways. You don't have to like them for their political targeting, but you could acknowledge their fairly blatant comedic potential.