D+Caf strips are strips of paper coated with antibodies that react to the presence of caffeine. Strangely, these appear to be made to help people avoid caffeinated drinks -- a desire that I simply cannot fathom. But if you're interested, for 50 cents a strip, you can avoid the pleasures of real coffee.
Link via Geekologie
Link via Geekologie
Do they have a pesticide veggies test too?
Do they have a mad cow test too?
Do they have a dioxin chicken test too?
OMG, we're doomed...
But - My wife is a coffee addict and continues to buy decaf soy lattes throughout each pregnancy. She can usually trust her local barista to give her decaff, but these strips would come in handy in other situations when an error is more likely.
But I do love, just LOVE, my caffeine in the morning. :)
Since Caffeine is my Friend, I would love a more quantitative version of these. "Does this so-called 'energy drink' actually contain a decent amount of caffeine, or is it cheap, dilute, mass-market crap?"
There's a good article on Caffeine Facts on the Ethic Soup blog at:
And if the serious aspects of caffeine get to you,lighten up and read a really funny article on "25 reasons you know you've had too much caffeine at:
Sharon McEachern
So thanks for finding this excellent defensive product.