300 Calorie Food Picture Gallery

Karen at HealthAssist measured and photographed amounts of food that have 300 calories. Each is pictured with a $10 bill for scale, and the cost of the amount is also noted. If you are counting calories, this is good news in that 300 calories of the most nutritious foods will fill you up. The sad news is that the cost of 300 calories in breads, pasta, and sweets is so much cheaper than fresh fruits and vegetables. Link -Thanks, Karen!

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I have a book called "Picture Perfect Weight Loss" (the name of the author escapes me, but it's available through Rodale Press, because I got the offer to buy it when I was subscribed to "Prevention" magazine) that uses similar photos to get the point across.
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I can't believe that an egg omelet costs $1.10. That's one heck of a big omelet! Around here, that much money will buy almost a dozen eggs.

It's misleading, 'cause eggs are a wonderful and cheap source of protein.

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