The Coming Collapse of the United States


You and I may be facing an economic collapse, but one Russian professor is having the time of his life. For over a decade, Russian academic Igor Panarin had been predicing the US to fall apart and most people ignored him ... until now. He's been the darling of Russia's news media with his dire prediction of the future of the United States:

Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar. Around the end of June 2010, or early July, he says, the U.S. will break into six pieces -- with Alaska reverting to Russian control. [...]

California will form the nucleus of what he calls "The Californian Republic," and will be part of China or under Chinese influence. Texas will be the heart of "The Texas Republic," a cluster of states that will go to Mexico or fall under Mexican influence. Washington, D.C., and New York will be part of an "Atlantic America" that may join the European Union. Canada will grab a group of Northern states Prof. Panarin calls "The Central North American Republic." Hawaii, he suggests, will be a protectorate of Japan or China, and Alaska will be subsumed into Russia.


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The American invasion of Iraq ended in 3 weeks, stupid. Learn the difference between invasion and occupation.

Also, Georgians don't use civilians as shields or operate an insurgency. Your argument has no merit.

Did you also forget that Russia failed hard in Afghanistan against Belligerents supported by the USA?
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Honestly, if anyone thinks that New England would ever side with the EU, they must have forgotten who started the whole revolution thing in the first place.

And the idea that Texas would EVER let Mexico retake it...yikes, that has major lack of historical research written all over it.
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if this were to happen why would china take any land from the u.s? the southwestern part like california arizona texas and new Mexico would be part of Mexico
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