Just how do sumo wrestlers bulk up for their sport? Turns out, it's by eating soup! Here's a neat article by Tania Kadokura of Saveur magazine about chanko-nabe, a hearty, protein-rich one-pot meal that has been...
The folks over at 2pie blog have a pretty neat idea: make a snow print by pushing their faces into fresh powder on cars. The images are all concave, but make for an optical illusion of 3D sculptures! I saw this circulati...
Photo: Colorado UerlingDark Roasted Blend has a neat post about all sorts of weird cloud formations. This one above is a Punch Hole Cloud:Punch Hole Clouds may appear as a circular or oval holes in a layer of superco...
Competitive eater Takeru Kobayashi {wiki} has won awards for eating hot dogs, hamburgers, dumplings, bratwurst, lobster rolls, cow brains, and rice balls. But he completely gave up on the world record at a fruitcake eati...