The Nicest and Naughtiest CEOs of 2008, a website that lets employees anonymously rate and review their employers, has released its list of the nicest and naughtiest CEOs of 2008. The nicest CEO is Genentech's Art Levinson with a 92% approval rating and the least popular CEO is Steve Odland of Office Depot, with a disapproval rating of 80% (why that's even worse than President Bush's!)

What's up with Office Depot? One department manager in Dallas Texas wrote:

“Fire Odland and kill ridiculous programs like ones listed above. Please, Please, Please give this company back to its workers. The corporate office in Delray Beach, FL is asleep at the wheel and frankly incompetent. Maybe If some of them would listen to or maybe even spend a few hours in a store they would understand their own business a little better. This company will fail If you do not get back to basics! Cheap no hassle prices and fast checkout! NO MORE PROGRAMS PLEASE!”

In the city where I live there are Staples, Office Max and Office Depot within 10 minutes drive of each other. Guess which one they recently closed down!

I'm laughing because all of these lil boys are running these companies in the ground. They looked great, talked the talk but couldn't walk the walk. It was all about perception with these guys. They were perceived to be all that....and they rose through the ranks on style and no substance. Now we have a crashed economy and companies who can barely make payroll.
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You mean the Congress that is split almost 50/50 between Republicans and Democrats, Evil Pundit??

You mean the Congress that the Republicans controlled for 6 years and then lost because they were so creepy??

That Congress?
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Mr. Odland looks very tense. So tense in fact I bet he can sh*t diamonds. That never makes for a good CEO. Unless you're the CEO of DeBeers of course.
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Arthur Levinson looks like an unassuming, everyday guy that you might play golf with; somebody who tells silly jokes but gets a laugh anyway because of his casual demeanor.

On the other hand, Steve Odland looks like a tax auditor who actually feels physical pain whenever he smiles; the sort of person you never invite to a party because he sucks the happiness out of everyone around him. He looks almost mechanical.
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Some CEO's realize that happy employees are productive & interested employees. Happy employees develop loyalty towards a company, while unhappy ones do not. Some CEO's seem to believe it's all about them & their ideas. They see themselves as overlords ruling over their little fiefdom, all knowing and all seeing. These tend to be unpleasant businesses to work for or with.
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No, Moon, I mean the Congress that has been majority-controlled by Democrats since 2006, and whose approval ratings during that time have varied between 8% and 13%.

It will be interesting to see if the newly-elected Democratic majority congress can improve on this record. That's if any of them are left after all the corruption investigations.
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May I suggest EP to open a forum discussion, you... you... troll! ;p is interesting, but you must be really motivated to have info : you need to fill up your data, salary, give a review.... I guess the information exchange is interesting to fill up the database, but I BSd all my info to get what I wanted.

What value has the data then?
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I looked at the guy on the right and thought: what an unusual expression. Later I realized, he's actually trying to smile!
In the Netherlands we have a saying: 'he laughs like a farmer with a tootache'.
Either that, or the poor guy could have constipation problems. If I am right, I hope for him, and his employees, he gets well soon.
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...The guy on the left just lifts the right corner of his mouth very little, but his whole face smiles.
Just two photographs of a moment in time, but interesting differences.
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The Office Depot guy has a 3-year-old smile. It's the gritting-teeth smile a toddler gives you because he doesn't know what his face looks like, but he knows he's supposed to display his teeth.

The photographer would have achieved a better result by asking Stevie to laugh.
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Having worked for both Staples AND Office Depot I can vouch for the fact that Office Depot's "corporate strategy" is to do everything that Staples does, except extremely inefficiently. Working at Staples, however, was the worst 4 years of my life, while working at Office Depot was a pleasure. I guess it doesn't matter what kind of crazy douchebags work for your corporate office, as long as you enjoy your coworkers and bosses.
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Evil Pundit,

I love coment about the approval rating of the Dem Congress. LOL and so true. Keep up the good work my friend. I don't know where those liberals get there information, but I'm thinking it might be Scientology. That congress has been in there long enough to get something done but they are to busy covering up there crap. Like interns smoking cigars.
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The photo on the right is taken from Stevie's wax dummy in Madam Tussauds in London. Unfortunately, the wax dummies are not particularly life-like when photographed.
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The Office Depot CEO is a complete idiot. He used to make us stand up and recite the company "motto" at every meeting -- the motto that he paid a consultant a ton of money to create. What's that all about?

Constant layoffs .... oops, I mean REDUCTIONS IN FORCE. Store employees are treated like dirt and nobody knows what goes on in the stores. Hourly employees are treated like cattle.

Why does the board keep this idiot -- don't the shareholders CARE?

his picture resembles a lizard ready to strike.
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Shareholders had the chance to vote for another candidate during last year's proxy contest. Guess what, the majority voted for Stevie... What happened with that strong turn-around plan for Depot?
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