Hooray! It's time for our collaboration with the always excellent What is it? Blog. This week brings us this strange object pictured to the left. Can you guess what it is?
Today being Christmas, the first person (or the funniest guess, if no one gets it right) wins a Free Neatorama T-Shirt! The game rules are darned simple: place your guess in the comment section. One guess per comment, but you can enter as many ones as you can think of. Post no URLs, please let others play.
For more clues, check out the What is it? Blog. Good luck!
Update 12/28/08 - the answer: This was marked "grenade launcher", I've since found that it's a European racquet grenade that's missing the charge and the fuse, it was probably meant to be used with a trip wire to make a booby trap, but if a different type of fuse was attached the whole thing could have been thrown as a grenade. - congrats to SarahW who got it right first!
Comments (48)
I don't know, could also be used for spanking while shaking a cocktail at the same time. Those dominatrixes can be very efficient.