Giant, Gross Sandcrabs To Be Displayed in Britain

This disturbing thing that sort of resembles a rolly polly is set to go on display in England for the first time ever. These rare Isopods live deep in the ocean in extremely cold temperatures, but for some reason, fishermen in the Atlantic discovered 9 of them in their lobster nets. They're ugly, but sure are interesting to learn about.


"These rare Isopods live deep in the ocean in extremely cold temperatures, but for some reason, fishermen in the Atlantic discovered 9 of them in their lobster nets."

The reason is that those fisherman's nets scrape the bottom of the ocean floor which completely destroys coral and all sorts of things. When they scrape along the ocean floor, it destroys so much and it picks up all sorts of stuff ... like these isopods.
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Mmmmm delicious idopods. Actually, you will see a great similarity to pillbugs or sow bugs here. Go a little farther and you'll see a similarity to horseshoe crabs. You've looking at some of the oldest creatures on earth, ones whose lineage has survived several world wide mass extinctions. Including that of the dinosaurs.
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@biltmore: anny idea how lobsters are trapped? I agree that some fishing methods damage the sea, but lobsters are cauth in pods, not by dragging nets.
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"Live Deep in the Ocean in Extremely Cold Temperatures"

The beauty is in the design. I think it's spectacular.

I also think we ought to ban dragging as a method of fishing worldwide. It completely ruins the sea floor.
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It can't taste any worse than other bottom dwellers like the lobsters and crabs, surely? They're all just bugs of the sea that eat the crap at the bottom of the sea floor. I don't know how anybody could eat those things in the first place anyways.
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"I don’t know how anybody could eat those things in the first place anyways."-SD

Cooked and wrapped in bacon?
When I saw the image I immediatley thought of "mud bugs" which we would eat in Australia.
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@Christophe, Zav and SD:

Check this Discover magazine article from about 9 years ago.;col1

The deep-sea critters were mentioned and indeed they were reported to taste like sweet crab.

BTW, actual woodlice (roly-poly, pillbug, etc.) were reported to taste like urine.
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Sweet crab? A little butter, garlic, a nice wine to accompany it and we're in business. ;)

Seriously, they are pretty neat looking. I was reminded of a horseshoe crab when I saw the picture.
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