Skip this one if you're squeamish. Here's a gruesome yet fascinating article from The List Universe: 10 people who were forced by dire circumstances to perform surgery ... on themselves!
Take, for instance, the self-surgery of one Dr. Leonid Rogozov:
Surgical Procedure: Appendectomy
At the age of 27 Soviet Doctor Leonid Rogozovwas was stationed at the Novolazarevskaya base in the Antarctic. The doctor recognized his own acute appendicitis and worsening condition. Because of the absence of a support aircraft and inclement weather along with the danger of a burst appendix the doctor decided he would have to perform surgery on himself. With the team’s meteorologist holding the retractors, a driver to hold the mirror and other scientists passing surgical implements, he sat in a reclined position and cut out his own appendix under local anesthetic. During the operation he passed out, but was able to continue and complete the procedure in little less than two hours.
Interesting Fact: A detailed report was written by Dr Rogozov documenting the unusual event along with the photo shown above. The doctor made a full recovery and resumed all duties in two weeks.
Link - via mental_floss and i met a possum
As well, he had said that the procedure wasn't painful and that patients were wimps. He found out differently and was laid up for weeks.
He was one mean and uppity SOB.
This reminds me of an interview with Stephen King I recall reading years ago where he was asked what was the most disturbing thing he had ever written. He said that he had started writing a story about a surgeon who became shipwrecked on a deserted island and to survive he started to cannibalize himself by performing surgeries on certain parts of his own body. He said it disturbed him so much that he didn't even finish it.
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