Icy Hill

(Live Leak link)

December 15, 2008, South Waterfront neighborhood, Portland, Oregon. Looking from our condo we can see cars attempting, and most failing, to climb up a hill to get out of the neighborhood. I decided to put together a montage of sliding cars. Portland had a recent snowfall and we are expecting more tomorrow.

Might I add kudos for the excellent choice of theme music. -via Bits and Pieces

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What's going on to the right of the road, about halfway down the hill? Is that a culvert? If so where would it be coming from? There's lots of motion, but it doesn't look quite like water. Maybe freezing/thawing cycles? Why don't I get back to work?
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3 things I noticed. NO ACCIDENTS. The Street car. Didn't know they had them. And you need to find something else to do on Cold yucky days like this. LOL
(yes I know it was probably done with a camera on a tripod just filming away all day)
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In Seattle we're having a similar problem. Drivers in Seattle may not be used to the snow, but most of us have at one point driven a car that can't get up the hills, so we're pretty good at avoiding them when we need to. The steeper ones have been closed for about a week.
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