Caviar for Christmas

Customs agents in Milan, Italy seized 88 pounds of Beluga caviar as it was smuggled from Poland. The stash is valued at over half a million dollars!
Newspaper Corriere Della Sera says the caviar had an estimated value of $550,000 (£370,000).

Tests showed the caviar to be edible, so it is to be given to canteens, hospices and shelters for the poor.

Beluga caviar is the most expensive variety of the delicacy.

Link -Thanks, Justin!

That's stupid... why don't they sell the caviar, and use the money to buy a decent meal for the canteens/hospices and shelters. I think they'd appreciate it more...
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I doubt that most people would be able to buy enough expensive caviar to make much of a difference to shelters during times like these. At least the homeless get a treat for Christmas most of us will never get. I'm sure that's not the only food they'll be eating.
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My assumption is that the individual shelters will be selling their allotment rather than passing it out. If my charity got some of this caviar, I would sell raffle tickets or organize a $100 per person cocktail party.
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If you sell smuggled goods on the market, you would ruin the market for real and legal operators. The only way is to give it away to non-consumers, in this case poor people. It's still better than destruction.
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I agree with Tifu and others, you could have sold this for discount prices and fed the homeless properly instead of dumping tins of caviar to different places. Who's to say the people that run these hopsices and whatnot aren't taking home a few for their own consumption?
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Christophe is right. I'm sure that there is some law preventing the sale of smuggled goods anyway.

Geekazoid, what an assumption to make about people running the hospices without anything to base it on. Unless, of course, you happen to have first hand knowledge of these places in Milan, in which case, I will shush.

I just have to wonder why so many people are acting as though giving the homeless beluga caviar is somehow wrong and outrageous. It's not going to waste, it's very healthy, as it is packed with omega-3, and is also loaded with vitamins A and D. Furthermore, it's a heck of a treat for these people.
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