Ok, maybe that's a little misleading, but a recent study has shown that girls have a better sense of taste than boys. Boys require about 10% more sourness and 20% more sweetness to recognize flavors than girls require to taste the same flavor.
@Screen Sleuth: pointless? maybe this allows other studies to hone in on unexpected differences in studie groups: for example better tasting food (or medicine if you like)
Makes sense to me. Women were traditionally the ones feeding the children. Wouldn't it make sense for them to be able to tell if something was poisonous or not?
Is this also why men are more likely to eat expired crap from the fridge?
In order for studies to happen, they have to be funded. You can be certain that when the cure for the most of diseases is found, it will be patented and the medication will be at a very steep price. Research is done in the interest of those who pay for it.
sience is knowlage linked togheter.
Is this also why men are more likely to eat expired crap from the fridge?