Gorilla keeper Michael Rozzi said: "We feed the gorillas brussel sprouts during the winter because they are packed with vitamin C and have great nutritional benefits.
"Unfortunately, an embarrassing side effect is that it can cause bouts of flatulence in humans and animals alike.
"However, I don't think any of us were prepared for a smell that strong."
The zoo has taken the sprouts off the menu while the zoo is open to the public. The gorillas will enjoy them when the zoo is closed on Christmas Day. http://www.thelondonpaper.com/cs/Satellite/london/news/article/1157157175032?packedargs=aid%3D1157157175032%26suffix%3DArticleController -Thanks, Rich!
its actually whats better for the animals
less people will come if it smelled so bad, means less money for the gorillas, and vice versa.
I vote you for the funniest sentence ever!
Is nothing sacred anymore...for reals...?
as an intigrator of intestinal flora
in humans