Archive for December 18th, 2008

Scientists Decode the Secret of Nostalgia

Why do old people think life was great in their younger days? Science finds out the answer: our brain remembers the good stuff and forgets the bad ones!Report author Professor Roberto Cabeza, from Duke University, No...

Little Mr. T

I <3 this adorable Little Mr. T by Etsy seller Kezzaroo:Approximately 3 inches from toe to fro. Little T comes on a pin, complete with genuine gold plated chain!! Did you know that Mr.T once punched Chuck Norris a...

Ma and Baby Hippos

OMG! It's the cutest thing I've seen today. The Daily Mail has a cute story of Paula, the baby Hippo born at Berlin Zoo just 18 days ago, taking its a swim with her mother: Link (with embedded video clip)hippo, baby anim...

Male Science Nerds Most Likely to be Virgins

This next bit of news is brought to you by Captain Obvious. An Australian psychotherapist Stephen Carroll surveyed a group of 16 to 25-year-old students, and found that male science "nerds" are most likely virg...

Soldier Statue Swing by Kamila Szejnoch

When life gives you lemons, make a lemonade. When communism gave Poland a statue, artist Kamila Szejnoch made ... a swing out of it!Here's her art installation, a swing at the monumental bronze "Berling Army Soldier...

Strange Hangover Cures From Around the World

Photos: Rebecca Hale, NG Staff, Cathy SmithNational Geographic has an interesting article about some of the strangest hangover cures from around the world. Perhaps they mean "cure" in a way that you'll never to...

Brussels Sprouts + Gorillas = Bad Situation

Chessington Zoo in London has issued an apology to guests after giving the gorillas a Christmas treat of Brussels sprouts. The seasonal sprouts are highly nutritious, but the gorilla farts caused horror among people arou...

Lighter in a Blender

(YouTube link) Just watch the slow-motion video, because this is something you don't ever want to actually do. -via Geeks Are Sexy Dangerous, lighter, blender...

Starfish: Sentinels of the Sea

How much do you know about starfish? You know a lot more after reading the post at ScienceRay! Starfish are predators. They don't have real eyes, but they have light sensors. And they sometimes have more than five "arm...

Paper Portrait Sculpture

Rotterdam artist Bert Simons creates realistic sculpture portraits made of paper! See more in his portfolio, including sculptures of some European celebrities. Link -Thanks, Stephen Douge! papercraft, sculp...

14 Habits That Make You Fat

It may be the wrong time of year to think about how fat you are -or maybe it's the best time of year to change your habits before you put the pounds on! HealthAssist lists 14 habits you want to examine to turn your healt...

Ants On My Spoon!

Re Jin hand paints ants on decals that she tranfers to these spoons! Just another way to make your dinner guests go home and never come back. Link -via J-Walk Blog spoon, ants, flatware...

9 Gigantic Hearts

This is sweet! A collection of geographic hearts found all over the world. This forest is found in Cantabria, Spain. Link -Thanks, David E! hearts, geography...

Chinese Poem is Brothel Ad

The Max Planck Institute in Germany printed a lovely poem in Chinese characters on the front of their latest journal issue. At least they thought so. They had consulted an expert on China to find the right poem, but th...

The Star Wars Holiday Special

My favorite part? "With special guest star... Beatrice Arthur!" After that it's like six minutes of Chewie's family grunting at one another. At that point, feel free to skip to the second video, which is the part that...

Tongues Are Gross

There's been an abundance of cute on the web, particularly lately. At least one site aims to counter this movement, and that is Ugly Overload. I've been waiting for a great post to share, and this quick collection of...

15 Teeny Tiny Animals

Why is it that cute things only get cuter as they get smaller? Whatever the reason, WebUrbanist has the ultimate list of cute animals, as it has the 15 smallest animals. Some of the animals are just tiny species and...

Girls Taste Better Than Boys

Ok, maybe that's a little misleading, but a recent study has shown that girls have a better sense of taste than boys. Boys require about 10% more sourness and 20% more sweetness to recognize flavors than girls requir...

Itty Bitty Dinosaur Puzzle

Kelly Ferrell uses a laser to cut these adorable mammoths, there are also t-rexes, butterflies and more. They seem quite hard to put together once you get them, but the result is quite worth it and is certain to attr...

Cute Things Falling Asleep

Cute Things Falling Asleep is yet another adorable animal blog, this one exclusively posts videos of its namesake. I've gotta say, this one is even a bit too cute for me, but I couldn't resist this adorable sloth video...

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