Your trusty iPhone can help you get through the holiday season, whether you use it for entertainment, information, or for getting along with annoying relatives. Mental_floss has ten recommendations for iPhone applications that will prove useful, and might even make a great gift for an iPhone user! Shown is the application Classics that allows you to read great books (or keep the kids occupied while traveling) on your phone. Link
Your trusty iPhone can help you get through the holiday season, whether you use it for entertainment, information, or for getting along with annoying relatives. Mental_floss has ten recommendations for iPhone applications that will prove useful, and might even make a great gift for an iPhone user! Shown is the application Classics that allows you to read great books (or keep the kids occupied while traveling) on your phone. Link
Comments (2)
And I've begun reading a bit of Metmamorphosis on it, and it wasn't bad at all. The only complaint is because the screen size is so small, there are a small amount of words, so you do a lot of page flipping, but it's pretty seamless. And it's a freakin' dollar!
I'm glad I waited on reading the classics. haha
(shure books hurt in the dark, but screens can be worse.)