Presidential Firsts

On January 20th, Barack Obama will become the first black US president. Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss looks back at some other presidential firsts. Who was the first president for eleven different questions? I only scored 45%, because, um, I didn't know the answers! But I learned quit a bit.

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Also, I too scored 45%, meaning that it´s all guesswork at that level - I haven´t a clue about american presidents ;)

Well, stupidity is multiracial... and I can see that rather than censorship, it was I who deleted what ever it was I wrote before, and now I can blame only the Thinkpad keyboard that sometimes really pisses me off ;)

Anyways, to expect from an Obama-presidency the same as what "African" presidents so far has achieved is as relevant as declaring every european, asian... what-not, idiots because of what a famous autrian did, for what his soviet counterpart did, for what Mao or Pol-pot managed to do, and lets not forget about those crazy south-americans !
That said, if aussies weren´t so stupid, they too would cause mayhem !

(Any spelling mistakes because english is not my first language)
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