Hooray! I'm excited to tell you that we have a new feature on Neatorama, a Forum that we hope will be a neat place to hang out and interact with fellow Neatorama readers.
Unlike the blog, which as a top-down approach (authors write a post, which you then can read and add comments), the forum is open to all registered users of Neatorama. Found something interesting on the net? Got a burning question? Want to showcase your art? You can start a topic! (But please, no spam and keep the discussion civil.)
Jennifer Zelazny of Sandbox Development was a big help in the design and integration of the forum into the blog's Wordpress platform. She knows her stuff and is a pleasure to deal with. If you ever wanted a customized forum or need help with your blog or website, I highly recommend her.
Let's give this a try: originator of a particularly neat forum post (or one that develops into a lively discussion), will win a Free Neatorama T-Shirt. The best 3 forum posters of the month will also get something (a mystery prize, but it'll be good, I promise).
Without further ado, here it is: please check out our new Neatorama Forum.
Looks like I might be in the running for the T shirt with the "do you remember" topic. Do I get to select which one I want? GGGG Size would be XL.
I realize you don't really know me but I assure you I am not a pushy person in real life. Thus your blog and forums both offer a great place for my alter ego to soar. GGGGG
(just like Icarus)
Forum, eh? I'll have to check it out...
When something happens in the political world (good or bad) that's a huge current event, it is of interest to a LOT of people. That makes it Neatorama-worthy, IMHO.