During a news conference at his surprise visit to Iraq, President Bush showed great reflexes by dodging a shoe thrown by an angry Iraqi journalist:
In the middle of the news conference with Mr Maliki, a reporter stood up and shouted "this is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog," before hurtling his shoes at Mr Bush, narrowly missing him.
"All I can report is a size 10," Mr Bush said according to the Associated Press news agency.
The shoe thrower was taken away by security guards and the news conference continued.
Correspondents called it a symbolic incident. Iraqis threw shoes and used them to beat Saddam Hussein's statue in Baghdad after his overthrow.
Link - Thanks Mark Storen!
How would you feel if a bomb was dropped on your wedding, killing and injuring all your loved ones? Would you feel more "free"?
And when you tried to leave to go to an adjoining state, guards at the road block shot and maimed you?
How would you like Mount Rushmore to be leveled to make an airfield for the bombers?
And then the invading army set up residence in the White House?
Then the USA was bombed for years with cancer-causing depleted uranium?
Would you be enjoying "freedom", as defined by the culture of the invading county?
Or would you feel like your country got raped?
I can understand the sympathy you might have for the welfare of the Iraqi people, but something tells me living under a tyranny would not make you all that comfortable yourself. Do not summarily dismiss it as being acceptable for others.