35 Albino Animals

Life in the Fast Lane has a great post portraying a huge variety of albino animals. I've seen albino ferrets and gorillas before, but the buffalo and the giraffes were new to me.


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I spotted an albino Canadian Goose this morning,
in Chester VA - it does have the reddish eye pigment, upon a closer look via my lens.
see www.thefauxchateau.com under Oddities - for a picture.

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Awesome pictures, but I don't think the giraffe is albino because it doesn't look like it has red eyes. Albino denotes a lack of pigment; this guy seems to just have a different genetic marker for the color of its hair.
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I was at a park with my kids and we saw a completely white squirrel. It was very weird seeing a bright white squirrel chasing a black squirrel up a dark-colored tree. The albino squirrel really stood out. Apparently, this squirrel is well known to the park and has been given a name.
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