Kiss Kills Woman's Hearing

A 20-something woman in China recently had her left ear drum blown out by a massive kiss. She has become partially deaf as a result of the passionate kiss.

Chinese media companies are now spreading warnings about the dangers of kissing. It seems it is pretty easy for any kiss to blow out an ear drum because pressure can be imbalanced between the two ears, which can lead to one of the drums breaking.

Link Photo via Bob.Fornal [Flickr]

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I heard about another similar case just like this in my local area. A mother became deaf in one ear after her 4-year old wanted to give her mom a kiss, but missed and landed on her ear. I feel terrible for the little girl.
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Personally, I trust the BBC and believe the story to be legit....however, I do agree with two dragons that it was probably a pretty disgusting and sucking kiss.
Also, there's no mention of whether or not she already had ear problems, which would definitely affect something like this.
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