Archive for December 5th, 2008

Hexapod Dance Competition

[YouTube - Link] Robots + Dancing = Awesome. But is it useful to society in anyway? Maybe the way the Hexapod (six legged) robot moves flexibly and its precision movements could be applied to...

Happy Birthday, Walt Disney!

So, you think you know Walt Disney. But did you know that "Disney" wasn't his family's ancestral surname? That he drove an ambulance? That his first studio went bankrupt in just one year? Or that he was...

It's The Wiener Dog Song

This video is just too precious. Who doesn't love wienie dogs? Link Via GiggleSugarCute, animals, wiener dogs, wienie dogs, puppies, dogs...

Tin Can Robot

Are you tired of recycling without any real pay off? Perhaps you just need a new method of recycling. The Tin Can Robot kit can turn any old 12 ounce beverage can into an awesomely adorable robot. I don't know about yo...

Amazing Things the Sky Can Do

Discover Magazine has a gallery of ten awesome photos of the visual effects created by sky conditions, explained in the accompanying text. Pictured is a sunset over Chile, which appears flattened due to light refractio...

Owl Tattoos

You want to talk about a niche blog? Here's one for tattoos of owls. And nothing else. Owl Tattoos has an extensive collection. Pictured is a tattoo by Valerie Vargas. Whoooo knew there were so many owl tattoos? Link *...

Turducken Ornament

Deck the hall with loaves of poultry! Celebrate your love for (or just fascination with) the Turducken (turkey stuffed with duck stuffed with chicken) with this handmade Christmas tree ornament. Order yours t...


(YouTube link) Whipper is a parakeet in New Zealand. A fluffy mutant parakeet who was abandoned by his mother because of his bizarre looks. No doubt he'll be quite popular with people! -via Unique Daily parakeet, N...

Teddy Bears in Space

Students at Parkside and Coleridge schools in Cambridgeshire, England sent two teddy bears into space! 21-year-old Henry Hallam led the project to send a helium balloon up to monitor weather conditions in the stratospher...

6 Vertigo-inducing Viewing Platforms

The view is breathtaking, but... do you feel safe? deputy dog has a roundup of scenic overlooks that are as safe as can be made, but still make you feel like you may fall at any moment. Pictured is The Top Of...

Orange Wedges

These orange slices are made of jello! Instructables tells you how to make them. This might be neat with lemons and limes, too. It would certainly impress guests at a holiday party! Link -via Unique Daily orange, jello...

Ads for The Museum of Communism

The Museum of Communism in Prague has some delightfully funny advertisements. Don't miss the posters featuring Stalin, Lenin, and Marx! Link -Thanks, bubu! communism, museum, posters...

Test Your Typing Skills

Think you're a super-fast typist? See if you're right by racing against total strangers at Typeracer. Yes, I'm a nerd, cause I thought this was really fun. It reminds me of those games you could play on the old Ap...

Side Show Bob Carved out of a Mexican Turnip

Remember our post about Jar Jar Bink carved out of a jicama? Well, the guy who did that made another one. This time, it's Side Show Bob of the TV series The Simpsons , carved out of a Mexican Turnip! Link - ...

Steampunk Star Trek

If you love Star Trek and steampunk, the twain has finally met: Here's a set of very well-done photoshoppery by Rabbittooth: Link - via Makestar trek, steampunk, Photoshop...

Elvis: Watercooler Ammo

Elvis Cow, because you already know what Elvis looked like. Photo: Zach_ManchesterUK [Flickr]Are you lonesome tonight? If Elvis is your hunk of burning love and he's got you all shook up, here are...

Pet Names of the Year

PetFinder has posted their annual lists of the 10 most popular names for dogs and for cats. In addition, they have lists of the 10 most unusual pet names, and the 10 most unusual names for groups of pets. The most unusua...

Mario Kart in Real Life

MARIO KART (REMI GAILLARD)by nqtv (Daily Motion link) The popular video game comes to real life in this video by Remi Gaillard. -Thanks, Matt! mario, Mario Kart, Remi Gaillard...

World's Oldest Cat Turns 125 in Cat Years

Mischief, the world's oldest cat, just turned 27 years old. He's still very active, but has been slowing a little in the last years. His owner, Mr. Thorne, got Mischief when he was only a few months old. He's still g...

Wanna Own The Empire State Building?

It's surprisingly easy. The Daily News took fraudulent possession over the building within 90 minutes. All you need is some paperwork and then it's easy to get the deed. With the deed, you can sell it, get a mo...

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