What Should You Read Next?

So you've just read a really good book, and you're in the mood to read something similar. How do you know what you should check out?

Try "What Should I Read Next"! At the very least, it's interesting. I typed in When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris, and here's what I got:

  • Stuff White People Like: A Definitive Guide to the Unique Taste of Millions - Christian Lander

  • Murder Carries a Torch - Anne George

  • My Lobotomy - Howard Dully, Charles Fleming

  • Anathem - Neal Stephenson

  • A Wolf at the Table: A Memoir of My Father - Augusten Burroughs

  • Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's - John Elder Robison

  • Wigfield: The Can-Do Town That Just May Not - Amy Sedaris, Paul Dinello, Stephen Colbert

  • I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence - Amy Sedaris

  • Cherry - Mary Karr

  • The Devil's Footprints - John Burnside

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    I loved "I Will Fly Again-the Restavek" by Lili Dauphin. I never knew it was common for Orphans in Haiti to be put to work as child slaves. This story is based on Lili's observation of life growing up in Haiti.
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    I haven't heard of any of those books. I tried one I knew, and it wasn't on the list.
    I think I'll stick to my own judgment rather than what a database tells me.
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    I put in: "The Way of Shadows" by Brent Weeks
    [Which is a rather thick novel. A medieval fantasy about wetboys, children's guilds, and a deteriorating society. It's also highly philosophical and plays with the concepts of justice, mercy, and vengeance.]

    It tells me I should read Bleach, the manga. >.>
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    "Conan in the Hour of the Dragon"

    Of course, I can see why I would want to read that after finishing Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein.

    "- Conan, what is best in life?
    - To crush your enemies and pass over them in silence"
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