"It is easy to spot pretty girls because they have big earrings, fancy dresses and all the jewelry," he writes in Chapter Three.
"Pretty girls are like cars that need a lot of oil."
He advises, "The best choice for most boys is a regular girl. Remember, some pretty girls are coldhearted when it comes to boys. Don't let them get to you."
He believes the best way to approach a girl is to keep it to a simple "hi."
"If I say hi and you say hi back, we're probably off to a good start," he said.
As for his own love life, he said he is not dating anyone at the moment. "I'm a little too young," he confessed.
Link to story. http://www.amazon.com/How-Talk-Girls-Alec-Greven/dp/0061709999/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1228331114&sr=1-1 to Amazon order page. -via Unique Daily
(image credit: Liz Sullivan)
Sweet idea. But it sounds like a larger version of those "kids say the darnedest things" emails my mom sends me often.
I already wrote that book 18 years ago...
And, coincidentally, it was also titled
"How To Talk To Girls."
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
That young and already a heartbreaker! ;)
I've been single for a while, but Im not at the point to ask tips to a 9 years old!!
"How To Your Parents You're Gay".
Wow. A few years to late for me to learn that lesson. :(
No, I must keep from making a joke about lube...
totally lame.
he's 9 years old! and hasnt dated yet! Sounds to me like someone yoinked a tip from "top 10 ways to get free publicity and sell lots of books (even if they're crap)"
(Homo-erotic reference fully intentional)
if guys followed like half of this you might actually get a girl
instead of treating us like crap
i mean i know being nice seems totally out of this world to a guy
but for some silly reason it works