Most kids will find puppets funny, but not this kid. He's got a severe form of pupaphobia (the irrational fear of puppets). I don't think he's making this up, and I sure hope that he outgrows it.
I know people who have misophobia (irrational fear of dirt and germs), chemophobia (chemicals), and flutter-phobia, so I don't find the kid's reaction as funny though I'm sure many people would. But it sure is interesting: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Juergen!
Do you have an irrational fear of something? What is it?
Previously on Neatorama: Coulrophobia: Fear of Clown (not a good link for you if you're afraid of clowns)
A fear of beards.
Not sure if its just the people with beards she fears or if she think's she'll be eaten by a giant beard in her sleep.