Photo Credit: (above) Iron Man (below) Jeremy Keith of Adactio
Did you know that the movie Iron Man used a Creative Commons-licensed photo from Flickr? Here's the story of how Jeremy Keith's photo of his buddy Andy Budd in NASA's Vehicle Assembly Building in Cape Canaveral ended up in the movie:
“Wait a minute”, I said. “What is this for?”
“It’s for a movie that’s currently in production called Iron Man, starring Robert Downey Jnr.”
Holy crap! One of my photos was going to be in Iron Man? That certainly put a new spin on things.
“So I guess you want to use the picture because it’s inside NASA’s Vehicle Assembly Building?” I asked.
“No. We just thought it was a picture of some warehouse or something.”
Read the whole story here: Link - via Flickr Blog
Comments (12)
> could come along and say “yo dudes, you’re
> making money off our space ship
> assembly place, give us a piece of that”?
I don't think government agencies are allowed to claim copyright or trademark.