Ryan Estrada wrote to us about his website, Cartoon Commune, where you can get your own made-to-order (and very reasonably priced) custom comic books, children's books, illustrations, animations and songs. Cartoon Commune has a team of 5 illustrators, each with their unique styles, so you can select one that matches your taste.
What to do with a custom comic? Well, for one, they make a fantastic gift:
Turn your significant other into a superhero. Have your kid's bedtime story adapted into a book they can read themselves. Turn your 'how we got together' story into an unique wedding favor, or anniversary gift. Get a new "our song" that's actually written about the two of you.
Ryan Estrada drew for us a fantastic comic book starring Neatoramanaut and Neatoramabot - besides the cute drawing, he even rhymed the captions!
Check it out here: Link (and get your own here) - Thanks Ryan!
rhyming request with quest?
sorry to say something negative about such a neat thing tho... =]