NaNoWriMo Success!!

I won! 50,039 words with three hours to spare. How did the rest of you NaNo participants do? Will you do it again next year? Are you celebrating? I am, although it's a pretty meager celebration: a beer and some guilt-free Internet surfing. Leave a comment and let us know how you ended up!

And, previously on Neatorama:
NaNoWrimo is Upon Us
NaNoWriMo Progress
The Ravings of a Mad (almost) Novelist

Good jorb. I started writing something in June and finished the story to a final rough draft by the end of the month. That draft reached 54,533 words. Still needs some editing (mainly typo fixes) but I figure I'll save that until I finish the second part so that I can edit both at the same time.

I didn't start writing the second part until a week ago (started on 11.24), up to 19,106 words now. I considered trying to start it on Nov 1st for NaNoWriMo but honestly didn't want to force it. Just being able to finish the story to the way I feel does it justice, for myself, is good enough for me. Even if I never break 50k words. ;) I still have 2 hours to go, so maybe I'll at least break 20k.
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congrats! i purposefully quit at 16k in the 2nd week when pushing through the idea-less-ness was very clearly becoming counterproductive for me. but im so glad i tried it and learned i CAN pull off a 10k spurt (all salvagable!) in one week. im getting pretty intense about outlining the rest of what i want to do & am going to keep up these spurts now that nano gave me the confidence to do it. :)
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Congrats! I finished on Wednesday Nov. 26 with 50,297 words! This is my fourth year doing it, and my second year to finish. Highly possible I'll do it again next year!
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This was my first year doing it too. I finished with 50,016 on Nov. 28. It was great fun.

And Brendan, just because you're slogging out words every day with a set number in mind doesn't reduce the artistic pursuit of it. In fact, I found the daily deadline, so to speak, quite liberating. I couldn't have written my first novel without that outside pressure, I don't think.

Of course, the first draft of anything is complete shit no matter how you do it. The beauty comes out mostly in the rewriting, I'm told.
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I haven't written something for years now... In fact i haven't painted since I got married. Maybe it's all linked, or I'm just horrible at finishing things.
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Made it, too... 56000-plus words or so (215 words per page, 264 handwritten pages, haven't typed past about page 130 or so). Working on another one, now, at the same 2K rate. I felt kind of guilty at first since I used the premise of a story I'd written over the summer, but since the novel version is over six times longer, and actually only uses about two pages' worth of old material, and because they allow fan fic, I figure I was just writing my own fan fic when I did this.
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Congrats! I didn't do NaNoWriMo this year, but I know a lot of people on who did. (WEbook is a writing website where I work as an editor.) I'm a writer and editor who works with writers to get novels ready for publication, so I'm writing a guide to revising a first draft of a novel to help out all my NaNoWriMo friends. Thought you might be interested:
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