I won! 50,039 words with three hours to spare. How did the rest of you NaNo participants do? Will you do it again next year? Are you celebrating? I am, although it's a pretty meager celebration: a beer and some guilt-free Internet surfing. Leave a comment and let us know how you ended up!
And, previously on Neatorama:
NaNoWrimo is Upon Us
NaNoWriMo Progress
The Ravings of a Mad (almost) Novelist
I didn't start writing the second part until a week ago (started on 11.24), up to 19,106 words now. I considered trying to start it on Nov 1st for NaNoWriMo but honestly didn't want to force it. Just being able to finish the story to the way I feel does it justice, for myself, is good enough for me. Even if I never break 50k words. ;) I still have 2 hours to go, so maybe I'll at least break 20k.
And Brendan, just because you're slogging out words every day with a set number in mind doesn't reduce the artistic pursuit of it. In fact, I found the daily deadline, so to speak, quite liberating. I couldn't have written my first novel without that outside pressure, I don't think.
Of course, the first draft of anything is complete shit no matter how you do it. The beauty comes out mostly in the rewriting, I'm told.