Dad Found Long-Lost Son on MySpace

Nijhel "IX: Mendoza (that's pronounced "nine") searched for his long lost son for 17 years ... and found him at last on MySpace!

Kristi Tedesco of KVOA Tucson has the story:

Mendoza wrote commented on his son's profile with an entry that neither he nor his son will ever forget, "Sorry to post on such a public forum but I'm anxious to get in touch with you soon. Love, your father IX Mendoza."

Chea Mitchell says, "Everyone was sitting down for dinner. I was checking my MySpace account and I get the comment saying it's from my dad with a phone number. I just stared at the screen for a while and said, 'Hey, mom. That's his name, right?'"

They talked on the phone. Mendoza tells us, "It was just like old friends that had been apart for a little while."

Even though Mendoza hasn't seen Chea since he was an infant, there was an instant connection. He says, "We really like zombie movies and sci-fi movies."

Eventually, Chea came to visit. He says, "I had all these brothers and sisters coming at me and hugging me and it was pretty epic." (with video clip)

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