

Forget the turducken, here's the turgooduccochiqua by Wil Shipley of Call Me Fishmeal blog. It's a quail inside a cornish game hen inside a duck inside a chicken inside a turkey inside a goose. Oh, and with bacon between the layers.

Photo: wjsdelicous [Flickr]

Can you identify which bird is which by looking at the fowl strata?

Photo: wjsdelicious [Flickr]

The entire Flickr photoset: Link | CNN video calling it a "hoax" (Oops!) - via reddit.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Comments (42)

Actually, Doom, people have been doing that since Roman times, and in medieval Britain in particular.

It's funny how people like to act as though they are so health conscious that they would never be in the same room with something like this, or that it's just for gluttons. Keep in mind, this is not something you make for the average Sunday lunch.

I am not a great cook but this may be something to try for the holidays.
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hey, we have a TV chef here in the UK who beats all of these.... he re-created the classic 10 bird roast!

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I'm a happy carnivore, and in no way a health nut. But... this looks gross to me. Especially the inner layers. I guess because the whole thing together looks like a piece of chicken that wasn't cooked all the way through?
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Im not a health nut either,
nor am I a vegetarian.
And I can believe that such excess existed in 'the olden days',
but considering the cost of food now, the world hunger crisis, and the American obesity issue,
don't you think kind of stuff is a general step in the wrong direction?
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That's...that's just horrible.

I mean, have fun with it, but either half of those animals are undercooked, or all of them are overdone. For as awesome as the ingredients list might sound, it's likely quite disgusting.
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Boy, what a bunch of haters and whiners! It's Thanksgiving, relax! If they want to eat that, cool for them. It might not look good to you, but don't judge what others choose to eat. We aren't the food police.

For the record, I'd try it. I probably would never make anything like that .. too darn elaborate .. but I'd be happy to let someone else make it for me.
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Doom, if you can afford it, why not? I'm not super wealthy, but I certainly don't care what someone else spends their money on. It's their right. Like Alice said, we are not the food police. If you want to splurge on an extravagant meal and can, it's no one's business to criticize it.
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What is that hideous mess hanging out of it? When I think of these babushka dolls of heart attacks, I don't think of something that appears to have been eviscerated. I wouldn't say that this is any more disgusting (though decadent perhaps) than people who deep fry their turkey. Perhaps my views on this are just skewed because I'm not a yank and have just come back from a thanksgiving dinner at a pal's house (damn these excolonies ;) and can't even think about food for the next week. Dynorod on standby.
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November 27th, 2008 at 5:00 pm
"but considering the cost of food now, the world hunger crisis, and the American obesity issue,
don’t you think kind of stuff is a general step in the wrong direction?"

1. unless you are in a country that severly restricts ANY sort fee market, comparatively food prices are in a decline with regards to distribution

2, the "World Crisis" is nonsense - Africa is dying not because of a lack of food, but because know nothing nitwits like you are enabling dictators to steal any food aid or money that was meant for starving Africans
Any other food shortages are artificial led primarily from the enviro-idiots
3. "American obesity issue"?? have you seen the lard enabled rear ends in England? France? Canada? Germany??
peddle your anti American crap somewheres else, we have anough homegrown asshats to ignore.
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*applause* You said it best.

It is clear that Doom just wanted and excuse to bash Americans after saying this:

"Im not a health nut either,
nor am I a vegetarian.
And I can believe that such excess existed in ‘the olden days’"

Heaven forbid an American get on here and say something rude about another culture. I thought the fat jokes were for the playground. Besides, the US is no longer the most obese country. That honor goes to Australia.

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This recipe is funny. Could be even more funny if they put an egg into the quail. You know, just for the concept.
So, who´s ordering the ostrich for us to make an ostrturgooduccochiquaegg??

ps: I really wish they can recreate pterodactiles...
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The point, Max,you don't see people bashing the Aussies for being fatter than Americans. So, it isn't being done to present a fact, but rather, to be hateful. I know it's fashionable to bash Americans these days, but hiding behind outdated facts to do so is not only cowardly, but ignorant. As an American in the UK, I can safely say that I am skinnier than most people I know. Funny that.
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Shouldn't it be a "Gooturickuckenail"?
I had been under the impression that you labeled the thing from the outermost fowl to the innermost.

Like Turducken. Turkey>Duck>Chicken.

@Guybrush Threepwood - not an egg, but Balut.
That would complete the "circle", as the balut is the baby duck..wait maybe that would be repeating the duck though. Insert an ortolan into the quail.
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There is an old Middles Eastern recipe Mr Doom,

That is also the world record holder for the worlds largest recipe according Ripleys believe it or Not.

For weddings they take eggs and stuff them into fish.
The Fish are then stuffed into chickens.
The chickens are then stuffed into a goat.
The goat is stuffed into a sheep
and the whole stuffed sheep is put inside a CAMEL.

Apparently this would have to be a wedding dish simply because it takes days to cook.
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That is fowl! (sorry, couldn't resist).

I'd try it, but skip the duck in a turduken, and in this case, the goose as well. The greasy meat of a duck weirds me out.
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