Archive for November 25th, 2008

An Underground Metropolis

[YouTube - Link] From an episode of "Ants! Nature's Secret Power" we see the amazing underground metropolis built by the industrious insects. To see how large and complex the living city of the ants are the scienti...

Mini Thanksgiving Dinner

If you can't make it home to Thanksgiving dinner, here's an adorable set up to make you feel nice and cozt anyway. Can you tell what it is? Here's a hint, it's a cake in a cup form. Yup, it's a cup cake Thanksgiving di...

Amazing Hedge Mazes and Brick Labyrinths

Maybe it's just a childhood fascination, but I adore hedge mazes. After fun Halloween corn mazes and the movie Labyrinth, who wouldn't? WebEcoist has a great collection of mazes for your viewing enjoyment. Enjoy!Fun,...

The Great Male Survey of 2008

AskMen asked over 75,000 men about what it means to be a "modern man" and got a very interesting set of answers (Some answers are as expected, but quite a few are surprising).Who and what is "the moder...

Songs of Love: Free Personalized Songs for Children with Life-Threatening Illnesses

Songs of Love is an interesting non-profit organization that creates free, personalized songs for children and teen with chronic and life-threatening illnesses.Founded by John Beltzer, Songs of Love has over 120 songwrit...

Kisai Denshoku Watch from Tokyoflash

Our friend Tokyoflash has just released a new (and very cool) watch: the Kisai Denshoku. It's inspired by the "neon skylines of Shinjuku" and takes uber-ninja skillz to read, which I believe, is part of the app...

The Mother of All Lotteries: El Gordo

This is the mother of all lotteries: El Gordo (or the "Fat One") Christmas lottery in Spain. How big is El Gordo? Try €2.3 billion in prizes (about 3 billion dollars). And even better: the this particular...

Happily Ever Over

Happily Ever Over is an epic tale that explains a lot of what you never understood about holidays. An economic crisis among the magical creatures leads to crime and adventure, involving the Pied Piper who live...

Papercraft Scientists

Make your own cute little papercraft models of Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, and Charles Darwin! Download pdf files in color, print them out and fold them up. Then maybe you can keep one on your desk for inspiration. I...

Health Paradoxes

The old adage is that there's always an exception to any rule. This shows up in global nutrition studies, too, in populations that are either healthier or less healthy than their diet, lifestyle, and/or environment would...

Snake Survives Week in Car Fan

Noel Padgham of Yarrawonga, Australia wondered what was making that awful noise in her car. After a week of hearing it, she took the car for a check. Mechanics suspected something was stuck in the air conditioning fan....

Ramen Pizza

Karol Lu entered a contest that challenged chefs to come up with a recipe for ramen noodles that was both delicious and creative. Her idea? Ramen noodle pizza crust! Would you try it? Link -Thanks, Geekazoid!...

The Global Warming Swimming Pool: Swimming Above a Submerged City

No, New York is not underwater (yet, anyhow) - that's a clever ad for HSBC by Ogilvy & Mather Mumbai ad agency in India. The bank wanted to raise awareness of the dangers of global warming, so the clever ad guys glue...

Papercraft of Hellboy's Revolver

This fantastic papercraft model of Hellboy's revolver The Good Samaritan features a working hinge and loadable bullets. It probably takes dozens of hours of tedious cutting and gluing, so why don't we just gawk...

Cute Yet Bloodthirsty Japanese Mascot Wants You to Donate Blood

That's Kokoron-chan, a Japanese mascot to inspire people to donate blood. Leave it to the Japanese to spice up a blood donation drive with a cute (and bloodthirsty) mascot that looks a lot like the Kool-Aid Man.Pink Tent...

The Best Iron Man Halloween Costume EVAR!

Whoa! This is awesome: when his son wanted an Iron Man suit for Halloween, Enrique of LinuxNerd blog decided that he's going to build the ultimate Iron Man costume.So he spent two months modding a store-bought costume to...

Tailgate BBQ Grill Car

Photo: - via MakeNow that is a tailgate BBQ grill! If anyone knows the story behind this unusual creation, please let us know! And if you've never seen it before, definitely check out Neatorama...

Thanksgiving Dinner For The Birds recently threw a Thanksgiving dinner for their feathered friends. They are hoping that seeing these birds in action will win your heart and change your plans for this Thanksgiving by adopting a bird inst...

100+ Amazing Plants and Animals

WebUrabanist has compiled a number of posts from their sister site, Webecoist. Together, the posts add up to over 100 super interesting flora and fauna species. I think my favorite is the 10 Strangest Animal Self-Def...

Drinking Coffee In Space

Who knew how scientific just drinking coffee is when it takes place in space? You learn something new every day. LinkSpace, science, videos, astronauts, beverages...

Snoop & Martha Make Mashed Potatoes

This is adorable, Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg are Bonding through mashed potatoes. My favorite part is Snoop demanding black pepper instead of white pepper. Link Via BoingBoingFunny, Food, snoop dogg, martha ste...

Last Wish Comes True

(YouTube link) You read here about Brenden Foster, the 11-year-old whose last wish was to feed the homeless. In addition to local friends who took sandwiches to the tent city he was concerned about, Brenden's story in...

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