Attention: If you have lost a piano, police in Massachusetts would like to talk with you. A mysterious piano in good working condition was found sitting in the middle of a forest near Harwich, Massachusetts.
Police took the piano and bench into custody. Link -via Arbroath
Discovered by a woman who was walking a trail, the Baldwin Acrosonic piano, model number 987, is intact -- and, apparently, in tune.
Sgt. Adam Hutton of the Harwich Police Department said information has been broadcast to all the other police departments in the Cape Cod area in hopes of drumming up a clue, however minor it may be.
But so far, the investigation is flat.
Police took the piano and bench into custody. Link -via Arbroath
Newest 5 Comments
i thinks this was just a trick to fool the police. guys just had nothing to do and after a reasonable amount of beer drunk, they decided to take parents' piano to the forest:)
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Guerilla art.
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Anything just a little bit out of place is a police matter apparently. I love it when weird stuff like this happens, but someone has to come along and decide it's too weird and do something about it.
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Illegal dumping is a crime, in my area it's a 500 dollar fine. I know because I got rid of my old oven by dropping it off in the woods.
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My theory is that the woman who reported this is part of the group who left it there: Performance art or practical joke.
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