10 Things You Didn't Know About General Motors


With General Motors losing $1 billion in cash every month (that's about $23,000 per minute), we figure that we better do this post pretty darned quickly. Behold Neatorama's 10 Things You Didn't Know about GM:

1. Founded by a Carriage Maker named Crapo

General Motors was founded in 1908 by William C. Durant. The C stands for "Crapo." It's pronounced "cray-poe." Billy Durant, as most people called him, was named after his grandfather Henry Howland Crapo, a Governor of Michigan. Durant founded GM with only $2,000 in capital.

Before making cars, Durant was a carriage maker. His company, Durant-Dort Carriage Co. in Flint, Michigan, was the largest carriage-maker in the United States, producing more than 100,000 horse-drawn carriages a year.

Within just a few years, Durant quickly built GM by buying Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, and Oakland (now Pontiac). He then lost control of GM in just two years, then regained control six years later, only to lose it again (for good this time) four years afterwards.

In his olden days, Billy Durant poured his time, energy, and money into his latest venture: bowling alleys. He believed that bowling was the next big thing and that every family in America would spend their time at the bowling alleys. Needless to say, his last venture didn't grow as big as GM (source).

2. GM's Logo: Mark of Excellence

In 1966, GM introduced a decal on the door jambs of its vehicles, with the phrase "Mark of Excellence."

In the 1970s, GM started to produce shoddy cars. Its Chevy Impala cars (marketed as a "prestige car within the reach of the average American citizens") had leaky windows and the penchant for developing large a crack in the dashboard that owners derisively referred to as the "Mark of Excellence." Soon after, GM phased out the phrase though it took a while longer to improve the quality of their cars.

(Photo: Cartype: GM)

3. Who Owns GM?

GM is a publicly traded company, with about 610.5 million shares outstanding. Today, ~91% of GM stocks are held by institutions. The top 10 institutional holders, made up of banks and investment firms, own more than 50% of the company (source). They've gotta be hurtin' now as GM's stock has tumbled from $30 a year ago to just about $2.

4. GM Built War Machines for the Allied Forces ...

During World War II, GM led the largest commercial-to-military war production effort in American history. In 1942, the company converted all of factories to produce $12 billion worth of airplanes, trucks, tanks, guns, and shells for the US military. No other company delivered as much material to the Allied forces (source).

5. ... and the Nazi

The Opel Blitz - photo via ned.ronet.ru

When he rose to power, Adolf Hitler knew that he had to have an industrial partner to make military vehicles and weapons. And that partner wouldn't be Daimler or any other German automakers - the largest automobile manufacturer in German (actually, all of Europe) was General Motors.

In 1934, General Motors (through its German subsidiary Opel) started a lucrative partnership with the Third Reich that continued even after Nazi atrocities were revealed:

GM and Germany began a strategic business relationship. Opel became an essential element of the German rearmament and modernization Hitler required to subjugate Europe. To accomplish that, Germany needed to rise above the horse-drawn divisions it deployed in World War I. It needed to motorize, to blitz -- that is, to attack with lightning speed. Germany would later unleash a blitzkrieg, a lightning war. Opel built the 3-ton truck named Blitz to support the German military. The Blitz truck and its numerous specialized models became the mainstay of the Blitzkrieg.

In 1935, GM agreed to locate a new factory at Brandenburg, where it would be geographically less vulnerable to feared aerial bombardment by allied forces. In 1937, almost 17 percent of Opel's Blitz trucks were sold directly to the Nazi military.

That military sales figure was increased to 29 percent in 1938 -- totaling about 6,000 Blitz trucks that year alone. The Wehrmacht, the German military, soon became Opel's No. 1 customer by far. Other important customers included major industries associated with the Hitler war machine.

Why did GM do it? It was for the money (surprise!):

A few weeks later, in May 1941, a year-and-a-half after World War II broke out, with newspapers and newsreels constantly transmitting the grim news that millions had been displaced, murdered or enslaved by Nazi aggression and that London was decimated by the blitz bombing campaign, Sloan, then in his mid-60s, told his closest executives during a Detroit briefing: "I am sure we all realize that this struggle that is going on though the world is really nothing more or less than a conflict between two opposing technocracies manifesting itself to the capitalization of economic resources and products and all that sort of thing." (source)

6. GM Helped Build the First Car That Went Out of This World: The Lunar Rover

GM designed and built the mobility system for the Lunar Roving Vehicle, AKA the Lunar Rover or (my favorite) the Moon Buggy. The rover was first successfully used during the Apollo 15 mission.

Photo: NASA via Wikipedia

In a true GM moment, however, during the next mission, the rover's rear fender fell off! The astronauts had to make an emergency replacement fender out of maps, duct tape, and clamps. (Source)

7. Big in ... China!

GM's sales may have taken a nosedive in the United States, but it has become the top-selling foreign automaker in China. Chinese consumers snapped up more Buick cars in 2007 than any other automobiles by foreign car makers (source).

8. Birth of the United Auto Workers

Photo: Sheldon Dick, Strikers guarding window entrance to Fisher body plant #3, Flint, Michigan - via Libary of Congress

GM is inextricably linked with the birth of the United Auto Workers union. In December 1936, the fledgeling union staged a daring sit-down strike at GM's plant in Flint, Michigan.

The move caught GM by surprise - after all, Alfred P. Sloan, the president of General Motors, considered his workers to be "among the most pampered in the industry." Indeed, "Generous" Motors' wages here high - about $1,500 per year - but work was hard and dangerous (many workers suffered injuries that could've been easily prevented by wearing gloves ... which weren't supplied by the company). The Great Depression also led to many lay offs, which caused the workers to worry about their job security.

About two weeks after thousands of striking workers occupied the factory, Flint police raided the plant, firing tear gas. The strikers inside fought back by opening the fire hoses and hurling two-pound hinges and other auto parts at them. Defeated, the police retreated and the strikers gleefully called the incident "The Battle of Bull's Run" (cops being the 'bulls' that ran away quickly from the plant).

Encouraged by this, the UAW targeted other GM plants with strikes. Forty four days after the start of the strike, GM agreed to grant sole bargaining right to the UAW.

9. GM's Car Troubles: Whose Fault Is It?

As GM and the rest of the Big Three automakers of Detroit draw closer and closer to bankruptcy, it's only natural to ask how did they let it get this bad.

Many people blame the union. On average, Detroit union auto workers earn about $75 per hour (salary and benefits). On top of that,, as well as the legacy costs of health care and pension costs of retired union workers). It all adds up to about an extra $2,000 to the car's cost. Strict work rules and job classifications led to thousands of redundant factory jobs (one study concluded that 8,200 assembly jobs wouldn't be needed if the Big Three automakers had the flexibility of Toyota's US factories).

Update 11/24/08: Here's an interesting article at The New Republic about the labor cost of General Motors: Link

How stubborn is the union? Here's a story that illustrates the point:

Not terribly long ago, says a Ford manager who must remain unnamed, Ford dispatched a team of welding experts to a factory to explore efficiency moves. The plant's union leaders, fearing layoffs might result, refused to meet with the team, and the effort came to naught. UAW leaders aren't bad people; far from it. But when everything is a negotiation, many things don't get done. (Just ask any parent.) (Source)

"Job bank" contracts with the union means that even if factories were closed, GM had to pay (almost full) wages and benefits of idling workers. Absenteeism runs rampant: every day, one in 10 auto workers don't show up for work, forcing the company to create a pool of extra stand-by workers. Efforts to combat absenteeism by verifying whether the absent workers actually went to the doctor were bitterly opposed by the union.

The management aren't blameless either. Poor quality control led to shoddy cars that made consumers mad. Detroit automakers also decided to put all their eggs in one basket: trucks and SUVs, only to see sales dried up as consumers avoided buying gas guzzlers because of the high gas prices.

That poisonous relationship with labor? It's a two way street. In 1987, GM Chairman Roger B. Smith remarked a "new spirit of cooperation" between management and labor. When journalist Paul Ingrassia toured a GM engine plant in New York, he was "stunned to see that there were two [men's room]: one for hourly workers, and a separate one for management." (Source)

Then, there are things that the management did that are just plain dumb. GM CEO Rick Wagoner got a 64% salary increase to $15.7 million in 2007, when GM was closing down plants and posted a record $39 billion loss. CEOs of the Big Three automakers went to Capitol Hill hats in hand to request a $25 billion loan package, only to be publicly ridiculed for flying in on private jets (they didn't even "jet-pooled" or downgraded to flying first class, remarked Re. Gary Ackerman). And when asked what they wanted the $25 billion for, they couldn't give a straight answer. (Source)

10. GM "Firsts"

Despite its current precarious financial troubles, GM had a long history of innovation and technological "firsts." To end on a (more) positive note, here are but a few of General Motors' achievements:

  • First V-8 Engine (1914, a 70 horsepower engine for the Cadillac)
  • First room air conditioner (remember to thank Frigidaire, then a GM subsidiary, who came up with the brilliant device in 1929)
  • First barrier impact and rollover tests (1934).
  • First concept car, the legendary Buick Y Job in 1938.
  • First fully automatic transmission (the Hydra-Matic in 1939).
  • First to put turn signals as standard-equipments on its cars (1939)
  • First mechanical heart pump (1952, built for Dr. Forest Dodrill by the GM Research Laboratory. The story is fascinating.)
  • First company to make $1 billion a year (in 1955)
  • First hydrogen fuel cell car (the 1966 Electrovan). After the project was scrapped because it was cost prohibitive, GM tried to give the Electrovan to the Smithsonian Institute. They refused the vehicle because they'd never heard of fuel cells before ...
  • First Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) in 1972.
  • First Electronic Fuel Injection (1979)

If you like this post, don't forget to check out: Evolution of Car Logos

Actually GM shares 1st ABS with Lincoln; both had rear ABS in '70. And Chrysler was first with four wheel ABS in '71 on Imperials.

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Lets blame the unions. It can't be because management or the CEOs are incompetent. If people get reasonable pay for reasonable work there must be something wrong. No, don't look for problems with CEOs begging for billions by flying private jets, or mega million dollar bonuses, or total incapacity to modernise facilities, or anything else. We workers should suffer! Pah! $75/hour! I can live off $5.50, and everyone else should too. Weekends be damned. Only wusses take vacation! Suck it up workers!
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The $70/hour for autoworkers is a myth. The actual number is $28/hour - which comes out to $60,000/year. The Honda, Toyota, etc. plants in the US pay around $24-25/hour. The benefits received by UAW-represented workers comes out to an additional $10/hour. Horrifying, isn't it, that people who work 40 hours a week should receive health and disability benefits.

Source: http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=1026e955-541c-4aa6-bcf2-56dfc3323682


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So many conservative friends have said that executive salary caps are a bad precedent — yet these same people argue for salary caps for line workers.

I think I think the executive salaries ought to be capped at something like 3X the line workers salaries – bonuses included.
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"On average, Detroit union auto workers earn about $75 per hour (salary and benefits)"

This isn't actually true ($75/hr would be $167,000 yearly gross salary!)

See here: http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=1026e955-541c-4aa6-bcf2-56dfc3323682
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"9. GM's Car Troubles: Whose Faults Is It?"

That is incorrect. The word, "Faults" should be "Fault". You will never hear fault being used with an s on the end when applying blame in English unless someone is referring to earthquake faults. In short, there is never an s on the fault when applying blame. It is her fault. It was their fault. You can, however, say that someone has their many faults.
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It is absurd to blame the troubles on the workers.

It is managements fault.

They failed to manage.

That is why they get paid the fat money, not to whine and bitch and blame the employees.

If you are management...MANAGE THE COMPANY.

If you don't like the Unions then manage the situation, make them see that absenteeism will result in firings.
Manage your product, if you are trying to sell a car you do not get to blame the guy with the wrench putting wheels on all day, he didn't design it, nor did he do the consumer research nor the market place forecasting.

It is managements fault, they failed to manage any aspect of their business and awarded themselves a series of unearned and grossly out od scale pay increases.
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A while ago I heard an interesting comment on the radio. The commentator pointed out that, back in the 1950s and 1960s, in Europe, Japan and Canada, the governments persuaded large companies to accept national health insurance paid through higher taxes. I think the U.S. auto makers might have had a similar choice put before them, but they turned it down to avoid higher taxes.

The interesting effect of that choice is that, in those countries, the auto makers don't pay for their employees' medical costs. In the USA, one of GM's largest extra costs is company-financed medical costs. With tax-funded medical care, GM might be more competitive.

The moral: socialism is good for business.

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electronic fuel injection was around way before 78, and wasn't invented by GM.

"The first factory electronic fuel injection, a true multi-point system, with dual 2-bbl. throttles, was optional on 1958 Chrysler products, both Hemi and wedge engines. It was jointly engineered by Chrysler and Bendix."

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@b2witte and jackjumper: thank you! I've corrected the article. As I read it, the hourly cost of labor is $75, of which a significant portion is legacy cost of retiree's pensions and benefits.

@zav - you're right, obviously. It's corrected now.
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I don't know if it's still true, but in Japan the top executive does not make more than seven times the lowest wage to an employee.

These executives are scum, sucking every last dime for their personal benefit from what was once a cash cow, but now is a starving, broken-down, over the hill nag. Bonuses used to be paid based on performance; these guys should be paying the companies to keep them employed.
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Dad worked for GM for 42 years and he said that GM would self destruct 35 years ago. I ask the question, Why? His answer, It was the peoples fault! What the American people what they GM will build and make lots of money on. So I guess we the people are to blame, we had to have a bigger cars than the people next door. All the Corp's do the same we want more money the banks gave to us, and we took it knowing we could not pay it back. It is our own greed and stupidity that got us into this whole mess. We are all to blame!
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Alejo, socialism is not better if my taxes have to be raised. I don't want to pay for other's health plans except out of charity. Big government only leads to government control (aka oppression) of the people.

Tom H, that is ridiculous. I have had no say in how GM runs the company. Big cars have nothing to do with GM's fortunes, poor decisions between management and unions are the biggest faults.
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Why is it that acting as a collective to get the best deal is so beyond the pale for you and your like minded fellows?

If you go to buy a washing machine, your leverage on the price is slight to none. If you and 30 friends all go to buy 30 washing machines your leverage on the price is a hell of a lot better.

Now if everyone puts a little bit into the socialised medecine pot then they have a lot of buying power, a lot more than if you attempt to buy health care individually.

You see you and yours are actually making the price of health care higher by allowing the insurance companies to divide and concquer.

Sorry but the insular me first and f*ck everyone else attitude does you no favours, divides you and your fellow citizens and makes insurance comapnies rich.

You don't want your taxes to go up? Push for socialised medecine,it is cheaper.

It is also the morally right thing to do.
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I think you are right. I never felt more oppressed than when I had to go in for emergency surgery.

My self-employed father also felt the sting of the government jackboot when he required specialized neurosurgery.

We'd have been much better off without coverage or paying a private insurer.

Truth is: when it comes to our 'socialized' medical program, I pay my taxes with pride.

Nic M.
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If you don’t like the Unions then manage the situation, make them see that absenteeism will result in firings.

Unfortunately, it's next to impossible to fire someone who is in the union.

The management does deserve a large part of the blame, but the union basically acts like a dead weight on the company. When the times are good, like when GM had 40% market share of the automobile market, then having unionized labor wasn't such a big deal. 10% of your labor force didn't bother to show up? Just add an extra pool of labor.

But when times are bad, well... you see what happens to GM. The legacy cost alone is enough to hobble the company in the marketplace. Add on top of that the inflexibility and absenteeism.

The union is doing its job: it's trying to secure the best deal possible for its workers, but they're doing that at the expense of the company's well-being. Ultimately, both the fat cat management and the union will drive GM into oblivion.
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I agree with Phil on the EFI comment. Maybe they meant 1958 instead of 1978, because even Japanese cars like the Datsun 280Z had fuel electronically controlled Bosch L-Tronic Fuel injection in 1975.
I didn't know that the fender fell off of one of the lunar rovers though.
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You are completely ignoring the main reason for the current crisis. It's not mismanagement from the auto execs, it's the current loss of consumer confidence and the freezing of the credit markets. Neither of which the auto companies had control over.
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The electronic FI developed by Chrysler in the 50's was not all that great and had a lot of reliability issues. Those that bought a car with it in it typically had the FI removed and replaced with the typical carb set up. The next production electronic FI system produced by an american car company was used on the Cosworth Vega in 1975 and 1976. I think it may also have been used on the Toronado. Bendix and GM jointly developed the electronic FI for the Cosworth Vega.

Cosworth Vega: http://www.cosworthvega.com
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Minor nitpick: Jensen had ABS on their production Interceptors in the mid-late 60s (using a Dunlop-Maxaret setup, developed from an aircraft system).

I'm not sure about the the turn signal 'first', either - Mechanical ones had been around since 1900 or so, and were often integrated into the car body (so presumably were standard equipment). "First all-electric turn signals", maybe?
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The roots of General Motors do indeed go deeper. J. B. Armstrong Co, LTD, of Guelph, Ontario, founded in 1835, was a maker of sleighs, buggies, and other horse drawn vehicles and renowned for the excellent quality of their products.

At the turn of the century, they relocated their headquarters to Dearborn, Michigan and were either absorbed by or evolved into General Motors Corporation.

In 1970, to be specific, possibly at other times, GM was not only the largest employer of citizens in the United States, but also the entire world.

Source: Guelph Public Library Archives; December 1970.
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Your "correction" of the average hourly rate for auto workers is still *very* misleading.

That 75 dollar number is derived by fuzzy math as follows

Current work wages + current worker benefits + all the costs of retired workers, divided *only* by the number of active workers = 75 dollars.

Retired workers outnumber active something in the order of 2 to 1 or 3 to 1.
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Hi. A good man would prefer to be defeated than to defeat injustice by evil means.
I am from Namibia and now teach English, please tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "Review change of airline tickets with this airline, you will have to purchase new tickets."

Regards :( Pazia.
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I worked for GM for five years back in the 70s. I saw a great deal of what is happening now beginning. I even tried to tell them but, they were not interested. Some might wonder if building vechicles for the enemy in World War II is coming back to haunt them. Carma Dude!
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I would not spend one dime to make GH fat cats fatter. They may have gotten better at building cars but they are terrible at running their business. If I were terrible at running my businss I would go under. An executives pay should come out of profits, no profit, no pay.
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