Squirrel Feet Earrings

If you were somehow bothered by the previous post of dancing squirrels than maybe you'll be one of the sick weirdos that would love these earings made of their feet. As a related note, you may be interested in these equally disturbing custom squirrel taxidermy projects.


I've had a pair of mummufied gopher feet earrings for years, and I always get tons of compliments-- especially around Halloween.

They're black and hairless, and most of the people are a little disgusted... until I tell them that they came from a 100% sustainable farm where they shoot as opposed to poison the gophers who would destroy their crops, EAT THEM, make the feet into earrings, and I think they donate the skulls to science classrooms or something.

Somehow, even hardcore hippies come to appreciate that the ex-gophers are being put to maximum good use.
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Ah that's nothing. In Costa Rica, when a child's baby teeth fall out, mothers have them set into a gold setting and wear them as earrings. If the child is a boy, Mom wears them, if the child is fortunate enough to be a girl, she gets to wear them herself.
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My best friend is a bone person and a wild life biologist. She picks up roadkill and makes amazing jewelery out of the bones! She drills into them and puts in swarovsky crystals and makes these amazing hair sticks! And yes, she has a mummified gopher foot earring that I covet.
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these are actually from Loved To Death whom i have purchased from and make pretty amazing pieces. Heres the link to their squirrel feet earrings http://www.lovedtodeath.net/product.php?category=Jewelry&id=50
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